Page 142 - a-history-of-columbia-county-florida-(1996)-edward-f-keuchel
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A History of Columbia County Florida (1996) Edward F. Keuchel  131/340

                   The Era of Reconstruction

     not have been so unusual except the business was obviously caused
     by an arsonist, and it occurred a little more than a month after the
     election of 1874. Many respected Columbia countians, men such as
     Judge Washington M. Ives, thought and later continued to believe
     that political differences were responsible.36
        Although the county commissioners (James E. Young, A. B.
     Hagen, Edward Hall, and William Rafe) met quickly and offered
     a $300 reward, the arsonist was never found. Issues other than
     Reconstruction politics might have been involved. It is possible
     that some indicted hog thieves might have burned the structure
     hoping that evidence for the case against them might also be
     destroyed. Sufficient proof was not available, to make any formal
     charges, and the origin of the fire remained an unsolved crime.
     Temporary facilities had to suffice until a new court house was
     built in 1876. Until that time court was held in assembly halls,
     dance halls, lodge meeting rooms, theaters, and in good weather in
     the open, in what is now Olustee Park. Most of the time court met
     in Cleveland’s Opera House which was located at the present
     corner of the east side of Marion Street and the south side of East
     Franklin Street.37
        The most serious incident relating to the election of 1874
     involved the state senate seat. Dr. Elisha G. Johnson, Republican
     Party boss in Columbia County, was reelected to the state senate.
     His opponent, Conservative-Democrat Francis M. Weeks, con­
     tested the election, but to no avail. As it had in 1870 and 1872, the
     state board of canvassers again awarded the seat to Johnson.
     Johnson, a white and a native southerner, became a Republican
     after the Civil War and had served as assistant to the United States
     Assessor of Florida and county commissioner prior to the election
       36County Commissioners Minutes Book, December 21,1874-February 14,1882,
     “Minutes of December 21,1874, Columbia County Courthouse”; WPA File, “Colum­
     bia County,” Florida Collection, Florida State Library, Tallahassee; Florida Times-
     Union, February 20, 1972, B-l.
       37WPA File, “Columbia County.”

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