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A History of Columbia County Florida (1996) Edward F. Keuchel  287/340

                       A History of Columbia County, Florida

           French, Hiram        Humphreys, Gad      Long, James
           Frohock, Mrs. Sarah  Hudson, James       Loper, Joshua
                                Hudden, William     Mattair, James T.
           Geiger, Samuel                           Marsh, Orin
           Geanopoly, George    Ivey, Anthony       Markham, William
           Gerry, Thomas        Ivey, John G.       Malpus, Mrs. Elizabeth
           Gifford, Issac                           Maxey, Henry W.
           Gibbons, William     Jarvis, Alfred R.   Mayo, Jasper
           Gillett, David       Jenkins, Joseph G.   Marshand, Benjamin
           Gillett, Anderson    Jenkins, Silas      Marshall, John
           Gillett, George      Jemerson, John      Martin, Lt. William
           Gomez, Theodore      Johns, Cornelius    Malone, James
           Grove, Isaac         Johns, Isaac        Matthias, Kesler
           Griffin, Jason       Johns, William      Medlin, Willis
           Griffin, Joseph      Jones, Nathaniel    Mizell, John
           Graham, Thomas       Jones, John         Miller, Archibald
           Graham, Lt. William   Johnson, Edward    Miller, Archibald, Jr.
           Grove, Isaac         Johnson, Michael    Miller, Benjamin D.
           Gross, John          Johnson, Robert     Miller, Timothy G.
           Gunn, Ethan          Johnson, Simpson    Mizzell, David
                                                    Minchin, Christopher C.
           Hall, Mary           Kelly, James        Morgan, John W.
           Hall, John           Kelly, Barney       Moore, Benjamin
           Harn, Benjamin       Kesler, George      Moore, Warren
           Harn, Henry          Keating, Thomas     Mott, Abraham
           Harn, Thomas         Kidd, John          Moore, William
           Harn, James          King, Hickason      Moore, Henry A.
           Harn, William        Knight, Britton     More, William
           Hair, William        Knight, Elias       Morris, John
           Hamkins, Thomas      Kesler, Matthis     Morris, Lt. Gov.
           Harris, James                            Munroe, Ann
           Hallbrook, Jacob     Lanier, Hardy       Murray, James
           Hawkins, D. H. S.    Lancaster, Joseph B.   McIntosh, Maj. James S.
           Herrick, William E.   Lanier, James      McMinn, Charles
           Heck, John           Levy, David
           Herrington, Thomas    (for his father)   Newman, William
           Heck, James          LeBaron, Charles    Niblack, James
           Hernandez, Maximore   Lindsay, Henry     Nickols, Henry
           Higginbotham, David   Lisk, Jeremiah     Nobles, Leonard
           Hick, Reuben         Lewis, John
           Hipwell, John        Lewis, Jacob B.     Ogilsby, Benjamin
           Hickman, Jesse       Lewis, Josiah       Oliver, James
           Higgins, James       Lofton, William     Oliver, Richard
           Hover, Samuel        Lowe, John W.       O’Neil, Douglas
           Hogans, William      Lowe, William W.    Oneill, Daniel
           Holmes, Henry        Loos, Rebecca       Osteen, Elias
           Hogans, Archibald    Loper, Abel G.      Osteen, Isaac
           Hodge, Willowby      Lockalear, Joseph   Osteen, John D.

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