Page 4 - history-of-military-units-in-columbia-county-fl-(1970)-robert-gary-shields
P. 4
History of Military Units in Columbia County, FL (1970) Robert Gary Shields
Since 1835, when men of the 1st. U. S. Dragoon Regiment, U. S.
Infantry were operating in this area, many thousands of local men-
have worn uniforms in defense of their homes, families, State and
It was felt that some attempt should be made to gather, organize,
and summarize the available facts on these men and their units. We
wish to point out that, since our main goal is to compile the facts,
much of the information contained herein has been extracted from
various sources without modification on our part. We hope no one
will feel that we have plagiarized their words.
The information reflected herein was obtained from the following
Retired Brigadier General Robert B. Harkness
Retired Master Sergeant Cecil W. Register *
Retired CWO Leonard J. Witt
Colonel Floyd L. Kennon, Jr.
May Vinzant Perkins
Members of the Staff - Department of Military Affairs -
Office of the Adjutant General - State Arsenal - St. Augustine, ]
1) Col. Rooks 2) Maj. Mosley 3) CWO Colee 4) Mrs. Robshaw
Lake City Reporter, Lake City, Florida
Soldiers of Florida, ^Prepared & published under the supervision of
the Board of State Institutions. As authorized by Chapter 2203
Laws of Florida, Approved May 14, 1903
James Y. Wilson
Official Military Records LCH-UUID: 3F68DC49-DCC7-4643-87B9-3E8A717875EF