Page 98 - barefoot-in-the-sand-remembering-the-waning-days-of-the-hopewell-community-(1998)-bruce-c-gragg
P. 98

Barefoot In The Sand: Remembering the Waning Days of the Hopewell Community (1998) Bruce C. Gragg  94/123

            loudly the next morning either. Jesse would like to "just have to
            come over" about the time he figured we would begin feeding the
            skimmings to the hogs and watch them.

            People can talk about sorghum syrup being so good, it really has too
            much of a sulfur taste. Everyone in that part of the south always
            preferred good ole sugar cane syrup on their biscuit. It really was
            good with a link of smoked sausage or cured ham as a side order. Our
            favorite thing during the Fall was to chew the cane, especially the
            green cane. Once Vera had peeled some and had leaned back in her
            chair and drifted of to sleep and I thought I would swipe a "round"
            to chew. While cutting it the knife slipped and cut her on the hand
            between the thumb and index finger. She still has a scar from the
            incident. It was an accident but it took me a long time to convince
            her of the fact. Matter of fact she still quite often reminds me of
            her scar and assures me she remembers how she got it. The lesson here
            is don't go to sleep on the job, you never know what can or will

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