Page 7 - 1915 Mossoks
P. 7

Airy  mos es,  swinging,  s  1aying  ro  es  o  silver  swung,

                                      From gnarled boughs  of silver  swaying  oo,
                                 Every  joyous cooling  breez  ha  romp  he oaks  among

                                       e s  heir  to   a- oss  the frolic  through.
                                 Here in  clumps  or  here  in  vis  s soft  they  line  the  way,

                                      Moss-festooned,  leaf-cur ained  lo   nd  high,
                                 Yet no gloom  lurks,  roof and  ide  alk  le  the sunbeams  play

                                      Dancing through  th  rifts  that sho  the sky.
                                 Bngh  and sparkling sifts  the sunlight's  prying spraying sheen

                                      In  broad  streams  where branches  fail  to  spread,

                                 Leaving  ragged  window  edged  wi  h  quivering green
                                       apphire  skies  and  ~oating clouds  o'er  head;

                                While the  old  oaks  draped and sombre  shake  in  mischief droll
                                      With its  bois  rous  gust  tha  wakes  he soul.

                                                                                      Law  17.

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