Page 36 - chs-1921
P. 36

c  urt,  on  th   rack.     i  of th  Junior"  ro ·  in  rank on th  foot  ball  field,
                         and  with  th       mu  t  b  includ  d  two  mor  ,  who  did  not  ucc  ed  a  well
                                              n  th  ba  k  t  ball t  am , i  Junior  wer  on th        oy  '  team,
                                               n  th  'irl·' t  am.     i  Junior  ar  now competin  on the
                         track,  with  a  po  ibility of thr       making r  cord  .  Thu  th  gr  at  t  ath-
                         1 tic  y  ar  ·inc  thi  tri       nt  r  d  th  Land  of  Wi  dom  will  nd  at  th
                         clo    of  thi  y  ar.
                               nd  in  th  cont  ·t  amon  th  ·tud  nt  of  th  Land  of  Wi  dom  th
                         Junior  al  o  conqu  r  d  n  w  ground.          nd  thi  mu  t  b  record  d.  Th
                         Junior  hav  th         mart  t  boy  and  girl.  The  b  t-looking  boy  i  al  o  a
                         Junior.  Th  Junior  hav  th  witti  t  boy  and  girl;  th  b  t  boy  port
                         i  a  Junior.
                             The mo  t  attractive  boy  i ·  a  Junior,  and  they  have  a  Vamp.  The  Ju-
                         nior  hav  th  b  ·t b  y  athl  te.
                             Th  Junior  rank  high  in  th  Pur ·uit  of  Knowl  dg  and  ar  treated
                         with gr  a  honor by th  low  r  cia
                             Th  tim  of the  r  at Fea  ting of  the Junior '  and             nior  i  drawing
                         n  ar and pr  paration  ar  multitudinou
                              o  n  will  h  Junior  advance to the  rder of  enior  , into a  new home,
                         and th  nc  out into the world.
                                                                                      -Harry A.  Edward  .

                                                       Junior  la       Roll  1920-21

                                  Inman  Buie                                   Leo  Thoma
                                  Loui  e  Dunbar                                 harl    Tribbl
                                  Harry Edward                                  John  Vaughn
                                  Jo     illen                                  Horace  Wil  on
                                   na Hou  e                                    Eli  e  William
                                  Belle  J arr  tt                              Agne  Futch
                                  Paul  M  rwin                                 Thoma  Rawl
                                  J.  D.  Renfroe                               Kate  Wh  eler
                                  Jim  Rivi  r                                  R.    . Futch
                                  Wah  Robart                                   Margaret Henry

                                                       olor       re  n  and White.

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