Page 73 - chs-1921
P. 73

H.          Hom

              ... lr ·.  halker- "Inman,  what  i:  a  ~ piral  ·tair-way ?"
              Inman  uie- ''A circle."
              Horae  Wil  on- "It i  not;  it'~·  ~ on1 thing  that  will  mak  you  drunk;
          ther  wa  one  in  the  hot  l  wh  r  w  ~~ tay d  in  uba."
              L  o Thoma~-"That'~  not what mad  you  drunk in  'uba.''

                                          of    ni  r ·  all  r  mind  u ... ·,
                                          could  mak  a  mighty r  p,
                                  If w  could  but l  av  b  hind  u ·
                                     The d  t  ·t  d  nam  of pr  p.

               li · ·  Tribble- "Robbi  ,  \vhat  i  th  u      of pho ·phoru ·  in  plant~· ?"
              Robbi  - "  o th  plant may b  abl  to :            how  to grow."

              .~. Ir.. .  halk  r,  giving out the singl  of word ·  and th  pupil  writing  h
          plural,  he  came  to  th  word  g  o ...  -quill,  and  harli  Tribbl           p  ll  d  it,
          g    e-quill.

              :Moth  r- "I think  it' ·  wond  rful  to  hav  a  limou  in  light  d  in~· id  lik
          that one of Georg  '  ."
              Innocent  daught  r- "That' ·  funny;  I  nev  r  aw  any  light  ."

              Alfr  d- "That  young  brid  wor ·hip  her  hu  band,  do  n'              h  ?''
              Ethel- "Well,  he place  burnt offering~  befor  him thre  tim  · a  day."

              Fre  hman'  definition of a  hug-En  rgy gon  to wai ·t.

              Ye  , Jim, all  boy  imagine that th  y  will  do  ju  t  a  th  y  pl
          a  they are  21,  but  om  of them  get marri  d.

              The  teacher  a  ked  th  kid  \vhat  he  kn  w  ab  ut  th  :Mongolian            ac  .
          The kid allow  d a  how h  kn  w nothing about it, a  h  w  nt to th  ba  ball
          game in  tead.

              1\:Ii   Tribble-"When you  examin  a  dog'  lung ·  under th  micro  cop  ,
          what  do  we find?"
              J arne  -"The       at  of  hL  pant  ,  I  suppo ·  "

                                  You  can  alway  tell  a       nior,
                                     He  i    o    dately  dr      d.
                                  You  can  alway  tell  a  Junior,
                                       y  the way he  well  hi.  ch  ·t.
                                  You  can  alway  t  ll  a  Fre  hman
                                       y  hi  timid  look  and  uch ;
                                  You  can  alway  tell  a  ophomor  ,
                                     But you cannot tell him much.

              Agn      (in  Phy  ic  )-"Mi        Tribble,  i  thi  all  I  hav  to  know  about
          len  e  ?"
              Mi  ..  Tribble-"Ye  ; if you know that you hav  it in a nut  hell."

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