Page 88 - chs-1921
P. 88

('.  H .     ~·  .  Hom       Run~

                                                     DUBOSE  STUDIO

                                  FI  TE  PH  T  'R  PH

                                                     K  D AK  I  TI  HL T      ;

                                                                               R  IAL  W  RK

                                                                                       FR  M

                                                    LIVE  AK,  FL  RI  A

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                            APITAL,         RPL                   TDIVIDED  PR  FIT

                                                       and  ounty  D  po  itory

                                                      \1  atertown,  Florida

                                    D  TATEM                          ITI    T  AT  L      E  OF  BU  I  E
                                                   DE  EMBER  31  t,  192

                                    Re  urc                                          Liabiliti
                                     i  count    -- 55,113.77          apital  t  ck                 15,     .
                      nit  d    tat    Bond           5,6  .           urplu                           3,  00.00
                    Furnitur  and  Fixtur            1,539.55          Tndivid  d  Profit              2,725.10
                      a  h  on  hand  and  du                        Depo  it                        64,334.41
                       from  Bank ·  ___________ _   23,  69.1        Dividend       heck      out-
                                                                         tanding  _                    1,  63.
                          TotaL_______  ___  ____  _   6,122.51
                                                                           TotaL______  _ __________ _   6,122.51

   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93