Page 62 - chs-1923
P. 62

he  }uni  r-         n1or  Banqu

                                                               of  the   a  n  "   ~i'  n  on  th   '  nin   of
                                                             nt  rtained  the  eni( r  "ith  "r  in!  "  h. nqu  t'
                                                         place  "., deeorat  d  for  thi   "ith  tarn  -
                               tion      nior  (  Ia   flo" er,  nd  re<l  I iii  .   'h  de  or.lti\   ~ht>me  ".   .trri  d
                               out  in  color  nf  the  r  inln",  tht>   nior  (  Ia   t'  lor,  :11t.l  purple  and  gohl,  th
                    thool  color.   \  rainhm-colored  arch,  tflt\\in  d  \\ith  o,  tood  .t th
                   :111d  at  th  reJr  "a  .1  hu~e purple  and  ~old "( '.  II.   (  r  p  pap  r  trt. m  r
                   hun~ from  the  li~ht, "hich  "  re  o\ered  \\ith  multi-colored  h.Hit  r  cmblin~   pa •od •.
                   F  qui  ite  h  nd  paint  d  pl. ce  car.!  in  I a  ter  motif,  add  d  ~r.1ce to  th  t  hie  .
                      l'r  mptl)  at   :  o  o'  lo   ''hen  C\ en one  h HI  uken  hi  pl.we,  the  e·11  >r.  "crt•  Yft  It  I  "ith
                   thi   on •:
                                            "\\'c're  t 1  \OU,  enior  (  !.1  -
                                              J'o  tht•  Rainho\\  eta ....  '  (. II.   I
                                             \\'t•'ll  hack  \!HI  to  t.tnd
                                             '( •• tin  t  the  he  t  in  the  land,
                                             I or  \\t:  l.:no\\  \ou',c  •ot  and,
                                              enior  Cl.t",  Rah!  R 1h!
                                             ( ro   lll.l  hin~ ah  ad,  enior  (  Ia
                                             \\'e  "i'h  \OU  une '•  enwr  Cl.1
                                             'lou  an  our  fame  protector
                                             On  cia'.  for  \\C  e  ptrt  .t
                                                                       , ..
                                             Rt•< ord  from  .' ou,  Senior  CL1  .... .
                      Du1 ing  the  cour  e  of  the  e' t•ning  th~ !olio" ing  'JH't't he'  '' erl'  dt·li' t  red,  111  "itt\  .111d
                   m.tnnc r
                         ( ;i rf, .                                              I· Rf'D  (  ;ootmRI  \II
                         Bm .....                                           ~1\R\  Btlll  ,10RII\HR
                          t  1 wr                                                J\ I  \I  \  I ())   I
                         _It, .. j  II  '                                        nRIIIO  K  u.HJ
                         J);l\'  (  rOnl  Jh                                     I  1ttiiRI II  BRO\\
                         1),1\'  to  ('>:Ill'                                      I·  I  ·~  .I Oil   0
                         • ptech  .                                            f'ROI I   ()'t   f'IU   I  I  R
                         l'oa't  to   l'IIIOr                                      ( ;R \llf.  JloL  ~
                         l'oa  t  to  Junior                                      J \\11   i  1111  \l"
                         l'oa't  to  I· acult'                                     •  ~1\R\  COlli\
                         J'oa't  to  :\lt.  l'rl'\.lt•r                            •  :\Relit~  Bt 11
                         roa  t  tq  Bo.1rd                                        I· Rill  (  RO\\ llfR
                         roa't  to  F, er.' bod.'                                   :\1\R\  Jot  lUI

                      llalllt'rt  lu   entd  t•fferti,eh  .111:!  facetiou  h  a ....  t'1,1stma  tl'r.  :\1u  i·  \\:t  lurni  hed  hrt\\ee'l
                   rour'l''  In  Cobia  and  ( ;erladi:te  Batnt tt  .1t  pi.lllfl,  .utd  Rohhie  , !1.11'1  el ford,  \ iolin  and
                   ma ndol i 11.
                       rhi ....  banquet  \\a"  a  \en  fj, rh  affair-no  Oil('  lot  thnir  "pt•p"  for  a  .. in~lc  Ill  llllt'llt.  Yet  at
                    intenal,  \\ithout  \\artting,  the  junior'  \\otdd  hur-t  into  -.•ntg.
                      Thl·  hanqut:t  tlo•ed  \\ ith  a  good  rt'turn  ong h.'  the  enior'  and  rou  ing l'he  r  In  tarh  ria   for
                   the  other.   l'hi  tunction  marl.l'd  the  beginning  ot  thl'  l·nd  of  the  (  Ia  '  of  t!J.!J.
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