Page 68 - chs-1923
P. 68

G  to  \  hite        pnn                    hool  Lun  h  and

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                                                                       OLD  RA     lt  R  BLD  .

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                       A   ordial  W elcome  A l111ay  A Ill ail  )' ou

                            0   R  HIGH      HO  L
                                 DUC  TIO                            e  1  Br           tudi

                       Ha  incre  ed  your  earning  po\\ er   You   Qualit ·   Photograph •   1iniatur
                       hould  ave  )OUr  tn' rea  d  earning  and
                       bank   om   in  the   upen1 ~ ed  Ban   of   Pictur  .  nlarg  d  Pictur  .  f· r  m
                       you r   ·ahonal  Cov  rnm  nt.            and   1oulding ,  Ko  ak  Fini · hing.

                         THE  FIR T   1 ATIO  AL  BA.  h.
                                                                           KE   IT"r.  FLORID.
                               LAKE   ITY,  FLo RID

                             Mr.    alker:  "What  ke  p  the  un  from  falling?"
                             Myra:  "The  b  am •  of  cour e."
                                                        ;y..   ;y..   ;y..
                             Dorothy  Young :  ''What  i  a  ki  ? ''
                             J.  T. :  "  othing  divided  by  two."
                                                        ;y..   ;y..   ;y..
                             John  Henry:  "I  hall  never  marry  until  I  m  t  a  woman  who  i ·  my  dir  ct
                         oppo ite."
                             Alvma  (delightfully) :  "Oh,  there  are  a  number  of  in!ellig  nt  girl  in
                         thi.  chool.
                                                        ;y..   ;y..   ;y..
                             Mr .  Iv  :  "Wh n  wa  the  Declaration  of  lndep  nd  nee  ign  d ?"
                             Fred   rowder:  "Fourth  of  july   ptember  12.  1  40."
                                                        ;y..   ;y..   ;y..
                             Irving  (at  basketball  game):  "What  do  thy  call  o  many  foul ·  fot,  I
                         don't  ee  any  feathers?"
                             Lenwood:  "You  goo  ,  that'  a  picke:l  team."
                                                        ;y..   ;y..   ;y..
                             Mary  Futch:  "Prevancation i  an a   t to our . chool."
                             Mr.  Walker:" .  o  it  i n't,  it'  a  habdity"  (lie  ability).
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