Page 22 - chs-1942
P. 22

I  dlt  rs
              ILliL   Jl  L!n  o
               Lt c ILf  l~o tEo

               ription  Price-.;" I.  0  Prr  Y rar  In   th anre.                                    ITY.  FLORID  .

                      COMPLETED                              UNDERWAY                                HOSPITAL

              \   i, ilian   Pilot  Train in   l'nit   \  h.) «lt·o-cllrtric  dam   ttccl  on  the   '1 o  111  ct  the  n  cd   of
                1 e   tart  d  at  th.  Ill.'\\  air  ti  lei   ~·tmanme  Ri' t•r  i   ))('in'   tart  d.   ~TO\\ in•r  JH  pulati<  n  of
            '' iII
            being   tini  lwei  .i u  t   out h -t•a s t   of   II ugh  Cha  tt•en,  Clarence  .~apping­  ha   been  ne 't'  -.a r)  to  en Ia r<r  •  ou•
            L.kc   ity.                            ton,  and  l.  Ro.)  \\'aldron,  )neal  Ctl-  r.:tke  .'htlf{'  llo  pltal.
              Tlw  mo  t  out  tanding  et\ i;\tor  fur-  ginter  .  an·  t'ontrartor  for  till  prnj   \   e ·ond  aiJCl  t hi rei  tor)  ha  h  .,
            th( ring  their  training  then  arc:  ('art-  ect.                           built  ·tnd  fumi  hed,  and  an  t'le\ ator
            ton  I  arker  and  . Freel   Kinard   (a                                     in  tall  d.
            clarin r  di\t'  1 omber):  and  aviatr   t'                                    The  ho~pital  force  ha
            :\It  t'   Crace   Bartield.   Cathr.)n   NAVY  DAY  CELEBRATED               enlarg ·d.  Dr.   \\ illiam
            I >a\ i  ,  lletty  lhtpne  t,  and  ~t ar)  I.  e                            an  c.  pcrienccd  and  famnu  . ur  on;
            . ~haw.                                  Lak·  'it.)  pre  t•nted  a  .·;l\y  Da)   \Ii  e  \'i\ ian  I>oulwrly .
              B  tdc   the   light!)  u  t•cl  plan  .   program  in  the  park  Ia  t  Tue  day.   •  .t.) er,   urgical  nur  e  :
            a  shipment  of  tW\\  airplane  t•spccial   The  hand  pia.) ed  "t'\ era!  llltmht•r   ~ltf)onald,  and  nurst'"
            I)  dt•  igned  hy  Jimmie  Pitman  ha   and  the  principal   peaker.   l·:d  rar   Jane  Brc  \\11,  France  Lambert.  Lou-
            h  t•n  ent  f« ,r  ttse  here.        I>arl>.),  a  popular  la\\)t'r  of  thi.  city,   t  e  I>ich,  and  . \'a  Lt"e  \ Villiam .
                                                   \\a   introduced.  The  topic  of  his   are  all  llO\\  \\ orkino  in  the  llo  pita)
                  I \·rntatwnt                     peerh  \\as  "The  \nwrican  Future."
                   Shampoos                          The  ll<l\.)  \\a  repre  etlted  h)  Ro.)
                     ~I anicun·                    Cia\\ -.on,   Frank   Bedenbaugh,  and
                       .ets                        If arry  Lee.  '' ho  h:l\ t  been  cllttstand-  FARMERS  MEETINGS  WILL  BE
                i,tl                 lllg  111  their  en ire  .
                                                                                             HELD  TO  DISCUSS  PROB-
               DE  SOTO  BEAUTY  SHOP
                       Ruth  ( .etlneg                  DIPLOMAT  PRESENTS                              LEMS
                    Fri  ky  little  hm·-.
                                                                                            ·, ,Jumhia  'ounty  farmer
                           .tt                                                            for  the  purpo-.e  nf  setting  gnab  for
                                                    :\I r.  Edgar  Tomlwrlin,  famou  dip-
               KATHRYN'S  SHOE  SHOP                                                      agriculture  and  for  recording  accom·
                                                  lomat,  will  gn e  a  lect u rc  on  .. I >i pin-
                      k.tthr.)n  Rn(r                                                     pli  hment   .tnd  intention   of   th
                                                   mat    an   Pre\ ent   \   \Var,"   on
                                                                                          count).  on  S.tturclay  night  at  th
                                                   Thur  <Ia.)  .tftemoon   at   the   11 igh
                 •  Repairs                                                               lligh  School  .\uditorium .
                                                   .'chnol  \uditorium.
                     •   '\ l'\\  Parts                                                     It  h,t.  heen  nen•s  ar)  to  make  cer-
                         •  PI.tstic  Tir
                                                                                          tain  changes  in  farming  plan   and
              EDDIE  CHAMBERS'  GARAGE                     HICKS  TAVERN                  npt•rations.
                                                        Propnetor,  Lnute  t I tcJ..        l'cl\\drd  flue  hell.  :\lack  I Iarrison
              \\' e  p(l·ialize  in  pink  elephant·  and       BE I·:I{                  Bill  .  heely,  all  O\\'IH.'P;  of  wry  prn,
            fascinating  I>.  T.  reptile-,  gttaranteed                                 penni   farm-  in  thi   count).  \\ill
            to  h·  there  whtn  vou  wake  ttp!~             PRJ  T71  L                tah  t harge  of  thi-.  meeting.
                    MARY  EXTIPES                        Clnse  hut  tH \ er  do. rd
                                                           Are  you  Popular"
                \VE   l'T  TO I·  •• \IL  I  I              Are  you  \\ritty?                       FOR  SALE
                                                                                          Ikautiful  h1>111   in  tiH  mo  t  d  irabl
                       Big  to   IO'                Are  you  hurt  of  catch  phra  e.  "
                      I  ittlc  toe  :;c           Are  you  low  to  catch  on  to  J nk   tion  of  Lake   ity,  fnr  only  ... k
                                                                                         CJ()(J.Q93 ~.
                    LOYCE  HENLEY                        FRANCES  SPENCER                             Rc,tl  B) e
                                                        EXPRESSION  STUDIOS                W.  M.  CAMPBELL,  REALTOR
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