Page 37 - chs-1942
P. 37

"I:n gli  htnen
                                \\ill  en·e  day  after  day,  obey  the  Ia''·

                                J.  nd  do  dull  ta  k~  that  keep  a  nation  ..:trong."

                                A  cool  \Vi nd  on  one'·  L1c  -,  the  ~ tnell  of  d atn p
                                earth,  a  oft gr  !  fog,  crun1pet  and  tea,

                                let  hunting coat·  and  the  n1u  ll of  the  hound,
                                cricket,  ,•hite  ddt  of  I)o,er  ... England!

                                'rhe  Briti ·h  are  a  ·trong  people.  ~rhcir influ-

                                ence  on  Florida  1·  definite.  (  olonization  in
                                Florida  "a·  greatly  ·titnulated  during  the
                                B ri ti  h  reg I n1e.

                                Tlze  EngliJ!z  Jlurdy,  unemoltonal.  di!Jnl"jied,
                                q u  i e I  and  u1za J J u min g  y e I  de I e r m in e d.  . Iron g

                                in  mind  and  body,  good  Jport  men
                                 rent  our  .. ilhlelirJ.

                                B  )()K  III

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