Page 62 - chs-1951
P. 62

                                                  Front  Row-Left  to  Right:  Eugene  Johnson,  \Ve>-
                                              ton  Coleman, Ja<;k  Griffin,  Lamar  Elhs,  Ralph  Albritton,
                                              James  Thomas,  Robert  Higgs,  Lamar  Farnell,  Harold
                                              Taylor;  Second  Row-L.  to  R.:  Stanley  Anders,  Donald
                                              Higgs,  Monroe  Cannon,  Hyatt  Law,  Mason  Joye,  hy
                                              Jeff  Goss,  Earl  Boyette,  Robert  Christ1e,  Ted  Johm,
                                              Billy  Cox;  Third  Row-L.  to  R.:  Walla<;e  Joiner,  Len-
                                              \il  Crews,  Ralph  Tyre,  Gene  Cox,  Ja<;k  M<;Giew,  Pee
                                              Wee  Burns, John Wood,  Hoyt  Horne,  Eddie Joe  Hewett.
                                              Jimmy  Morri  ;  Fourth  Row-L.  to  R.:  Bill  Armstrong,
                                              Tommy  Terry,  Walter  Foy,  Coaches;  Charles  Case,
                                              Hobert  Byrd,  Billy  Attaway.  Ted  Van  ldcrstine,  Man-

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