Page 71 - chs-1951
P. 71
Front Row-Left to Right: :\tr. Kent; President, Ann Barker; \ ic1•-Presidcnt, Eu<rene
Johnson, \ :crctar: , Barbara 'jtl'\\art; Trea<>urer, je.m B.1rker; :\Irs. Baldwm; econd Row-
L. to R.: Phyllis Dawsey, joan Howard, Carolyn Bearden, Linda Amold, EH:lyn Downing,
Bill \\'heeler, \Vayne Hollingsworth, Hinman Rizer; Back Row-L. to R.: Bill jacobs, han
l'l•rry, Algie Collins, Stanlt'y Anders, Grady Green, Hoyt Home, Edmund :\tilton, James
\1ontgomery .
Front Row:, econd Ro,~-Lcft to Right: Aum• l3.1rke1, \un \lcBndt•, l3uie; Third Row-L. to R.: :\1M) \'1rguu.l h t's, X.mdra Fiula) son, Oil) a "cat,
Glcnadene Da' is, \Irs. \feans, Sponsor, Fourth How-L. to R.: Huth Shmgler, Boblm• 'pcar-
lll<lll, Fifth Row-L. to R.: C,lrolvn Black, ita :\lartm, ixth Row-L. to R.: Bl'tl\ Jane
Gregory, Donua jeau johnsou, ~venth Row-L. to R.: Pat loan •, Loretta Comn;amler;
Eighth Row-L. to R.: Eleauor otto11 joanua Adicks, inth Row-L. to R.: \krr\ Lou
hcpard, \tary Bnmu, Tenth Row-L. to R.: :\lari.muc Farnell, y,OIIllt' De\ .llll , Left \\'ing.
First Row-L. to R.: june D.msh~. \'e,e Douglas, Pat Goodbread, \ta:mie Bradsh,m .