Page 14 - chs-1952
P. 14


             Left  to  R1ght·  Mr  Dunaway  Sponsor;  Mrs  Brown,  Sponsor;  Lamar  Ellis,  Vice-Presi-
            dent;  JoAnn  Howard  Pres1dent;  Alfreda  Sheely,  Secretary;  Harold  Taylor, Treasurer;
             Mr. Walters  Sponsor,  M1ss  Allen  Sponsor.

                                                                 JOANNA  ADICKS  "Hosanna"
                                                                  Honor  Soc1ety 7,  8,  9.  l 0,  11,  12;  Thespians  10  11,
                                                                  12,  Student Council 8  !Reporter  12) ; J r  DramatiCS
                                                                 7.  8  I Pres  9l;  Girls  State  1l  IMayor.  House  of
                                                                  Rep  l . F 1--l  A  9  ( Parl1amentanan  1 Ol.  ll , Ra1nbow
                                                                 G1rls  l 0.  11  I Past  Worthy  Adv1sor,  Recorder  12) ;
                                                                 Annual  Staff  12,  Band  7.  8  (Secretary  10.  11,  12);
                                                                 G1rl  Scouts 7  8.  9  10  11. Latm  Club  12;  Keyettes
                                                                  10;  L1brary  Club  7,  "C' Club  12,  Tri-H1-Y  11,  12,
                                                                 Jr  Amer  Leg1on  Aux  7.  8.  9,  10.  11,  12,  Won
                                                                 Columb!a  County  Spe ling  Bee  8; Contestant.  State
                                                                 Soellmg  Bee 8
                                                                 Short  story  wr ter  Univ  of  Fla
                                                                 STANLEY  ANDERS  "Stan"
                                                                 Honor  Soc•ety  9  10  11  ;  Student  Council  10  11  ;
                                                                  '("Club 11  12,  Football  11  12
                                                                 Un1-.erc;ity  of  Florida

                                                                 WALTER  ATKINSON  'p;ney"
                                                                 F F A  9  1 0.  1 1 ; F H A  12

                                                                 JACK  ATTAWAY
                                                                 FHA  12,  FFA  9.  11  (Reporter  12l,  Key  Club
                                                                  0  Cutest
                                                                 A1r  Corps
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19