Page 102 - chs-1955
P. 102

BEDENBAUGH                                         SEE
                        SERVICE STATION                             TOMMY STEPHENS
                                Corner                                       YOUR
                          Marion and  Duval                           BUICK DEALER
                        Lake  City,  Florida

                                                                        TOWN SHOP
                         DAVIS  JEWELRY                                   ''The Shop
                  "The Bride's Headquarters"                  FOR  PARTICULAR  WOMEN"
                    "Your  Friendly Jeweler"                     Call  the  Ladies  Number
                 Lake  City,                 Florida                      986
                                                                        202  N.  Marion

                                                                      Florida  Polver


                                                                      Light  Company

                     J.  A.  McCfJ/skey


                  PONTIAC ---GMC  TRUCKS
                   120 l  E.  Duval St.  --Ph.  381
                  Lake  City,              Florida           "HELPING BUILD  FLORIDA"

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