Page 10 - chs-1956
P. 10

Dedicated to the

                                              Business and Professional

                                                \len and \\'omen of

                                                 Lake  ity, Florida vVho
                                                  Through the year  ha,-c.

                                                    ,cncrously  upported the

                                                      To Them \\ e extend our

                                                       , \pprcciation.

                                                     "T lzc qual it)  of 111ercJ  is  110t


                                                      It droppetlz, a  the ge11tlc

                                                         mill from henl'ell,

                                                      Upon the vlace heHeatlz: it is

                                                         twice blessed.
                                                       It blesses him tlwt gire. , aud

                                                         lzim  that takes;"

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