Page 132 - chs-1956
P. 132

LEON  E.  SUMMERS                        A smile  always wins,  remember.

                        "Prompt,  efficient  Servi ce
                               with a  Smile"
                    Lake  City  Phone   1234    Florida
                         Gas,  Road  Service,  Etc .

                                                 Out of  Gas-
                                               I need  a lift.
                                                                 HARRISON'S  SERVICE  STATION

                                                                         1118  North  Marion

                                                                     "AI ways  rea  y to serve.  II
                                                                 Lake City                   Florida

                                                                   BAUM  STEIN'S DRUG  STORE
                         LAKE  CITY  PHARMACY
                           THE  REXALL  STORE                     "We  can supply all your  needs"
                          Phone  57     Phone  40                             Phone  715
                           North  Marion Street                       739  North  Marion  Street
                       Lake  City            Florida              lake City                  Florida

                                                                      SEMINOLE  PHARMACY
                                                                      "A  complete Drugstore"
                          Oh!  What awful  medicine 1                   M.  T.  Lovette,  Prop.
                                                                      827  North  Marion Street
                                                                    Lake  City            Florida

                                                                       DE  SOTO  DRUG  STORE

                                                                     "Courteous Service  for  every

                                                                        Palmer and  Edith  Purser
                                                                       204  North  Marion Street
                                                                                Phone  60
                                                                           For  free  de livery
                                                                  Lake City                   Florida

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