Page 150 - chs-1956
P. 150


                ERVINE  SANDLIN   F. F. A.  I, 2, 3, 4,  Forestry   Tri-Hi-Y 3;  Girl  Scouts  I;  Annual Staff,  Club
                Camp 2,  Delegate  to  National Convention  4,   Editor 4;  Ground  Observer Corps 4;  Girls'  State
                Delegate  to  State Convention 4,  Reporter  4;   3;  W. 0. W.  American  History  Award  3;  Cotil-
                D. C. T.  4,  President.                       lion Club 4;  American Legion Oratorial Con-
                                  •••                          test 3rd  place  in State 2;  Most Likely  To Suc-
                BILLY  SHAW   Spanish Club  2,3;  Hi-Y 4;      ceed.
                F. F.A.  I,2,3,  Reporter  I,  Secretary2;  F.H.A.               • ••
                Mascot 3;  ··A"  Basketball 3, 4;  Baseball 4;   SYLVIA  STUART   Library  Club 3;  Office
                Halloween King 3·                              Staff 3,4;  F.H.A.  I,2,3,4;  Tiger Staff 4;
                                  •••                          "4-H" Club  I, 2, 3, 4,  Secretary  I,  President 2,
                BECKY  SHERRILL   Tiger Staff  I, 2, 4;  F .H. A.   3,  President of County  Council 4.
                I;  Girl Scouts  I, 2, 3, 4;  Rainbow  Girls  I;  Pas-           •••
                cua Fla.  Day  Pageant Representative  I;  Latin   SUE  SOUTHERLAND   Latin Club  2, 3;  "Pow-
                Club 2, 3;  Library  Club 2;  Student Council  I,   der-Puff" Football Game 4;  Tri-Hi-Y 4;
                2,  Sec.  2;  Dramatics Club 2;  Basketball Mgr.   Rainbow  Girls  I,2,3,4;  F.H.A.  I,3;  Tiger
                2,4;  Thespains 3,  "Terror At Black Oaks";    Staff 2;  Pep Club  I.
                Monogram Club 3;  Tri-Hi-Y 3,4;  Red  Cross                      •••
                Council 4;  Annual Staff,  Asst.  Editor 4;  Home-  LARRIE  SUTTON   Transferred from  Amherst
                coming Attendant 4;  ··I Speak for  Democracy"   High,  Va.  2;  Student Council 2;  Girl Scouts
                2nd  place 3;  Cotillion Club 4;  Girls State 3;   2, 3, 4,  President 4;  Dramatics Club  2;  Thes-
                "Powder-Puff" Football Game  4;  Page for  Bac-  pians 3,4,  "Everybody's Crazy",  "Terror At
                calaureate  2;  Usher for  Graduation 3;  Served   Black Oaks",  Christmas  Play,  President 3;
                Jr-Sr  Banquet  I;  Football Sponsor  2;  Most   Rainbow  Girls  2;  La tin Club  2, 3;  F. H. A.  2;
                Popular.                                       Tiger Staff 2,4;  Tri-Hi-Y 3,4,  Reporter  3,
                                  •••                          Chaplain 4,  Delegate to State Convention 3,
                RAMO  A SMITHY    Honor  Roll  4;  Honor  So-  State  Treasurer 4;  Presidents'  Club 3;  National
                ciety 3;  Latin Club  I,2,3;  F. H. A.  I,2,3;  Stu-  Honor  Society 3,  Vice-President;  Honor  Roll 4;
                dent Council 4;  Library Club 4,  Treasurer.   Red  Cross Council 3, 4,  Secretary 3;  Annual
                                  •••                          Staff Editor-in-Chief 4;  Cotillion Club 4;  "Pow-
                BOYCE  STEPHENS   F. F. A.  3.                 der-Puff" Football Game 4;  Girls' State 3;
                                  •••                          Vice-President of  Class  2, 3;  Winner  D. c. T •
                MARTHA  ANN  STEPHENS    Girl Scouts  I, 2, 3,   Talent Program  3;  F. F. A.  Sweetheart,  Bill
                4,  Vice-President 3;  Band  I, 2,  Librarian  I,   Sheely Chapter 4;  Runner-up  "Miss Columbia
                Secretary 2;  "4-H"  Club  I, 2, 3, 4,  President  I;   High"  3;  Most Versatile.
                F. H.  A.  I, 2, 3,  Reporter  I,  Historian 2,  Voting          •••
                Delegate State Convention 2;  Class  Reporter  2;   DAVID  SWEAT   F. F. A.  I,2,3,4.
                Dramatics Club  I;  Thespians  2, 3,  Thespian                   •••
                Play 3;  "Powder-Puff"  Football Game 4;  Tri-  ANN  THOMAS   Latin Club  I;  F. H. A.  I, 2, 3,
                Hi-Y  3, 4.  Delegate  to State Convention 3;  Na-  President 3;  Honor Society  I, 2, 3;  Representa-
                tional Honor Society 3;  Library Club 2;  Student   tive  to  Red  Cross  Training Center 2;  Thespians 3;
                Council 3,  Reporter;  "C"  Club  3;  Annual Staff,   Tri-Hi-Y 3;  Presidents• Club 3;  Jr.  Red  Cross
                Art Editor  4;  Cutest.                        3, 4,  President 3,  Vice- President 4;  Library  Club
                                  •••                          4;  Annual Staff,  Layout Editor  4;  Girl Scouts
                RUTH  STRATTON    Band  I, 2, 3,  4,  Vice-Presi-  I,3, 4;  Honor  Roll  4.
                dent 3,  Captain 4,  All State Band  2, 3, 4;  Jr.                • ••
                Honor  Society  I,  Secretary;  National  Honor   WAYNE  THOMAS
                Society 3,  Honor  Roll 4;  Thespians 2, 3,  Thes-                •••
                pianPlay2,3;  F.H.A.  I;  LatinClub  I,2;

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