Page 75 - chs-1958
P. 75
First RotL', left to rrght: Toby ~larkham, KC'ith :\Iayfield, Pat :\!elton, Buddy Miles, Gwen Faye \tiller,
">} h ia \lillt r. Second Row: Joanne ~lilton, .Mkhacl .:\1 itdwll, Anncttt• :\li\son, Julie l\lontgomery, Carl
\loore, \Vilham Morrell.
1- irst Rou:, left to right: tanley ~tusgrove, Charles • eeley, Carl :\'orris, John :'liorris, ~laxine orris, Rufus
Ogdt•n. Second Rou;: Kathryn Otto, John Outlaw, Edward Powell, Jimmy Powell, Clarice Purdy, James
Fint Rmt:, left to right: Patricia Heide, George Richards, ~l.njie Roberts, .:\Iavis Rogers, George Hone,
jean Ro'>it•r. Second Row: Jimmy Sanders, Jewel Sha\\, C,lr} Shields '.nalene kipper, Linda Spradley,
~lildrcd Stahey.
Page Seventy-One