Page 126 - chs-1959
P. 126

"Custom  Built  Look  At  Production  Line  Prices"

                                 GUERDON  INDUSTRIES,  INC.

                               Manufacturers  of  Great  Lake  Mobile  Homes

                         Marlette,  Michigan-Home  Office              Newton,  Kansas

                                               Lake  City,  Florida

                                                                  HAGEN'S  SAW  SHOP
                        Compliments  of

                 THE  TOWN  SHOP
                                                                          Sale:s- Service

                      202  N. Marion  Street
                                                                           1803 E. Duval Street
                          Phone  986
                                                                              Phone 907-M
                       Lake  City, Florida
                                                                            Lake  City,  Florida

                                                                 N  &  W  DRY  CLEANERS
                              I rom

               HACKNEY  BROTHERS                                     " Large Enough To  Accommodate,
                                                                       Small Enough To  Appreciate"
                     JOHN  DEERE  TRACTORS
                                                                      Call  153     1404  E.  Duval
                        713  North  Marion
                                                                            Lake  City, Florida
                         Lake  City, Florida

                                           Congratulations, Seniors

                      GRANGER  LUMBER  AND  SUPPLY  COMPANY

                                Phone  58                 1001  E.  Washington
   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131