Page 138 - chs-1959
P. 138

                      "Everything  for  the  Man"
                      329  North  Marion  Street                            lake  City,  Florida
                            Phone  110

                COLUMBIA  BARGAIN  HOUSE                                CHILDRENS'  SHOP

                       North  Marion  Street                            327  North  Marion  Street
                        Lake  City,  Florida                                lake  City,  Florida

                   COLLINS  DRUG  STORE                                 S.  C.  COLE'S  STORE
                      924  North  Marion  Street                     Groceries,  Hardware,  Meats
                    Phone  785      Night  156-J                            Fertilizer,  Seed
                         lake  City,  Florida                                 Phone  359
                                                                  Lake  City                   Florida

                                    J.  A.  McCOLSKEY                  McDUFFIE  SPORTING
             ~                           MOTORS                        515  North  Marion  Street
                                                                        GOODS  COMPANY
                 J¥JNTJAC. ..         East  Duva I  Street                 Lake  City,  Florida

              A.  H.  POWERS                                          SOLDWELL'S  JEWELERS
            SERVICE  STATION                                                  EST.  7933
                 North  Marion
               lake  City,  Florida                                        Lake  City,  Florida

                  "Quality  Meat  and  Groceries"
                           M.  D.  Tison                                  DIXON'S  GRILL
                   M.  & M.  FOOD  STORES                                 AIR  CONDITIONED
                       1103  South  Alachua                             488  North  Marion  Street
               Lake  City                   Florida

            CHESTNUT  OFFICE  EQUIPMENT  CO.                          SEMINOLE  PHARMACY
              Complete  School  and  Office  Outfitters                  "A  Complete  Pharmacy"
                            Phone  266                                     M.  T.  Lovette,  Prop.
                                                                         827  North  Marion  Street
                        737  North  Marion
                                                                            lake  City,  Florida
                        Lake  City,  Florida

                                                                   A  to  Z  SHOPPING  CENTER
                    McCALL  AUTO  PARTS
                                                                  Groceries,  Meats,  Novelties,  Toys
                      1605  East  Duval  Street                              Phone  1806
                        Lake  City,  Florida                  Albert  Weaver             Carl  Braddock
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