Page 110 - chs-1960
P. 110

Senior  :JJireclor'J

                            :\1-\. ·1  E   ORRIS                        \1-\RJTE ESTER ROBERT
               F.H.A.  l.  Glee  Club  2.  Pep  .luh  3;  Tri-Hi-Y   F.J I.A.  1:  Tri-Hi-)  3.4.  Pep  lub  4,  G1rl   outs
               3.4:  \.irl  Scouts  4;  "-\"  B:tskt•tlnll  3.4;  Powd  r   1,2,3,4,   p.mish   lub  2.  Cotillion   lub  2.4:
               Puff Football 4;  Tiger Staff  ports Editor 4;  n-  Powder Puff Football 4:  Pepsi  -\ward.
       taff 4;  Softball  2.  R  d  Cross  2:  Latin  Club
               :2,  erwd at Jr.- r.  2                                    \1  VI   \IAE  ROGERS
                                                               G•rl   couts  1,2,3.4.  Vice  President  4,  F.H.A.
                        JOH    RC  SELL  '\ORTH                1,2.  Served  at  Jr.-Sr.  2;  Jr.  Honor  Society  1;
                p.mish  Club  1,  Track  2,  Bov   couts  1,2,3:   otillion  Club  2,3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  Sergeant-at-
               Order of the Arrow: Footh·tll 1:  Band 1,2.     arms  4,  Jr.  Red  Cross  1;  Annual  Staff  4;  S  nior
                                                               Play 4:  Pep Club 3, Pepsi  \ward.
                       R  -FL'.   OLE\I-\   OGDE'\
                               "Friendliest"                            GEOR  ,E  HE.  RY  RO"  E
               B<l\  Scouts  1;  tudt•nt   ouncd  1,  "B"  Football   "A''  Football  1,2,3,4;  "B"  Basketball  3,  "A"  Bas-
               2;   n(•d  <lt  Jr.- r.  2.  Boys'  , tate  3,  Hi-Y  4.   ketball  4;  B<tscball  3:4:  Hi-Y  3,4,  Best  Tackler
               Girl , cout :\Iascot 4                          Award 4.

                       JOH:\  CARL TO.  OCTLA \\'                        :\ELLIE  JEA.  ROSIER
               Tramfer from  Cr  st\ie\\,  Fla .. 3.  Glee  Club 3.           "Most Bashful"
                                                               Librar}  Club  4;  Glee  Club  1;  F.H.A.  1;  4-H
                      DOUGLAS  RALPH  PADGETT                  Club 1; Tiger  taff 4.
                            ".U ost Intellectual"
               F.F.A.  l; "B"  Football  2;  "B"  Basketball  2;  Beta   \I ITCHELL EARL  -\PP ( \lickey)
               Club  2,3,  "A"  Basketball  3;  4-H  Club  1.   Tr,msf 'r from Trenton, Flonda 4.
                    JA\IE  RO:\AT.DPI     ER(Ronni)                     JA \IE  ER\\ I.   A..  DER
                                "Wittiest"                     Band  1;  D C.T  4  "  "   luh  1,  Bo~  couts  1,2;
               Tu~u  t·1ff  Art Editor 4.  \mm,tl  taff 4;  Librarv   Homeroom Presid •nt 4
               Club  Reporter  4:  Bo)   couts  1,  Pep  i   v.·ard.
                                                                  EDWARD GEORGE  EIDL III  ( Eddw)
                       DWARD ~HTCHELL POWELL                   Transfer  from  Billerica  Iligh  School  3;  Baseball
               D.C.T. 4. Spanish Club 1.                       3; Basketball 3,4.
                        T \:\IES ROBERT POWELL                           SAR-\H  JEWEL  HA \\'
               F.F.A.  2;  D.C.T. 2;  Track 1;  Band.          Spanish  Club  1,2,   er~eant-at-Arms 2,  F.H A.  1;
                                                               Tri-Hi-Y  3;  Pep   lub  3;  Beta  Club  4,  tud  nt
                        CLARIC    PLRDY  (Purdy)                ouncil  4·  D.  .T  4:  Jr  Red  Cross  3;  Tig  r
                                "Wittiest"                      t<tff 4;  Pepsi A w,trd.
               Jr  Rt•d   ross  24,  Girl  couts  .3.4.  Spanish  Club
               1.2.  Vice  President  2.  FILA.  1,3.  erved  , t  Jr.-  ROBERT  G -\RY  SHIELD
               Sr.  2;  Pep  Club  Treasurt•r  3:  "B"  Basketball           "Best J1 anne red"
               2;  "\"  Basketball  4:  Tri-Hi-Y  .3,4;  Secretary  4;   Bo\  Scout~  1;   panish  Club  1,2;  "B"  Football
               Cotillion  Club  2,4;  F.T.A.  4;  Powder  Puff  Foot-  1;  Homeroom  \ice President 1;  Student Council
               hall  4;  Chairman  of  Jr.-Sr.  Banquet  Committee,   1,3.  Track  1,2,3,4;  :\lost Valuable Player 3;  Cap-
               Pepsi A ward.                                   tain  3,4;  Kev  Club  2,3,4;  "B"  Basketball  2,  Var-
                                                               sit~  Footb~tll 2,3,4:  Hi-Y 3,4;  Sergeant-at-Arms 4,
                       BARBARA  L.\. 'G  REAG -\_-             Bo\ s'  tate 3;  President of Class  3,4;  Homeroom
               F.H  -\.  1.2.3; Pep~i Award.                   President  3,  Cotillion  Club  2,3,4;  Football  Club
                                                               1:  l'sher  at  Graduation  .3,  Pepsi  Award.
                          GLORI-\  J -\:\ E  REE                     • 'A_  ALE  E  LAYETTE SKIPPER
                            "U ost Dependable"                 Sn.mish  Club  2,  Glee   luh  1,2,  F.II.A.  1,2;
               Tr;msfer  from  J<~cl-son,  \lississipp1  3;  Tri-Hi-Y   Tiger Staff 4;  Pepsi Award.
               3 4  Ch lJ)Iain  4   otillion  Club  3.4.  Girl  Scout
               Treasurer  4;  F.T.A.  4;  Annual  Staff  Lav  Out         JLDlTH  RAY  S\HTH
               E<litor  4;  Jr.  Red  ~ross 4;  tudent  Council  His-  Cirl  couts  1,2.3.4.  Treasurer  1,2;  Rep.  to   nior
               torian  4;  Tie;er   taff  Reporter  4;  Sr.  Plav  4;   Pbnning  Board  3,4.  Latin  Club  1,2;  Girls'  tate
               Powder  Puff  Footh 11l  4:  Pepsi  Award;  "\1iss   .3;  "B"  Cheerleader  2,3;   tudent  Council  3,4;
               Columbian" 4.                                   Reporter  4:  Historian  3;  Halloween  Queen  3;
                                                               Annual  Staff   dvertising  Editor  4;  Tiger  Staff
                        P\TRICI-\ IRE.  E REIDE                4:  Junior  Red  Cross  2,3;  F.T.  .  4;  Beta  Club
               D.  .T. 4. Tri-Hi-Y .3;  Glee Club 1.           4:  F  H  A.  1.2;  Cotillion  Club  3.4;  Pep  Club  3;
                                                               Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  Office  A  i  tant  3;  \1usic  Appre-
                      GEORGE D  RELL Rl  HARD                  ciation Award 1.

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