Page 94 - chs-1960
P. 94

Purpo e:
                                                      The purpose of the DCT club is:  That students
                                                    have the opportunity to  di  cover and develop to
                                                    th  fullest  their  interest,  lat  nt  aptitudes,  and
                                                    abilities,  ther  by enabling thPm  to  become more
                                                    valuable citizens with a satisfying feelin~ of con-
                                                    fid  nc  and  vocational  comp  t  ncy.

                                          MRS.  RO  E  B  D  \fcCOL  KEY

           TA:'\DI'\C,  OFFICER  .  President,  Hu~h Dampier;  Vice   Edward  Powell,  Colen  Brinkley,  Tommy  ~tcCiew,  Jimmy
           President,  Horac:e  Green,  Treasurer,  Ann  Bembry;  Sec-  Adams,  Jewel  haw,  Teresa  Colson,  Ruth  Bickel,  ~tildred
           retary,  Barbara  Crews,  Reporter,  ~fary  Ann  Hartness,   Stalve:r,  Sarah  Kate  :-.lettles,  Jimmy  Powell,  Lamar  Church,
          Historian,  Henrietta  "\'ettle  ;   er~eant-at-arms,  Bobby  Al-  Ruth  \lcLaren,  Cary  Spann,  ~fary K.  Williamson,  Sandra
          len.  EATED,  LEFT  TO  RIGHT:  Burton  Freeman,  Glenn   tuart, Pat Reid, Ceor~e Flyth, Sylvi,1  \Iiller.
          \\'illiams,  Calvin  Creamer,  Jimmy  ander  ,  Elmer  \Vheeler,

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