Page 113 - chs-1962
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        4-H  1,2;  Glee Club  4;  Junior  Red  Cross 2.     JAMES  McMULLAN
                                                                             " Most  Intellectual"
      BOBBY  KIRBY                                            Beta  Club  3,4;  President  4;  Notional  Honor  Society  3,4;  Student
        F.F.A.  1;  Glee  Club;  D.C.T. 4.
                                                              Council  2;  Florida  Boys'  Stole;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  3,4;  Finalist
      SIM  KIRBY                                              Notional  Merit  Scholarship;  Woodman  of  the  World  Citizenship
        F.F.A. 4.                                            Award  1.
      DALE  KNIGHT                                          EDDIE  MELTON
        Foot boll  1 ,2;  Basketball  1 ,2;  Bond  1 ,2,3,4;  Transferred  from   F.F.A.  4; Cotillion  Club  3,4;  lake City Softball  league 3,4.
        Starke,  Flo.  3;  library Club  4.
                                                            JIMMY  MELTON
      SHARON  LANIER                                                         "Most  Versatile"
        Junior  Red  Cross  1,2;  Representative  1;  F.H.A.  1,2;  F.T.A.  2;   Homeroom  President  1;  Vice-President  Closs  1;  Student  Cou neil
        Pep  Club  1 ,2;  Cotillion  Club  2,3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  Annual  Stoff  4;   1;  " B"  Team  Foot boll  1 ,2;  Bose boll  2;  Jun ior  Red  Cross  2;
        Homeroom  Secretory  1 ,4.                           Key  Club  2,3,4;  "C"  Club  2,3;  " A"  Team  Football  3,4;  Hi-Y  3,4;
      MARY  JEAN  LEE                                        President  4; Girl  Scout Mascot 4; Homeroom  President 3.
                          11    11
                           Wittiest                         JERE  MOORE
        F.H.A.  1,2,3;  F.T.A.  1,2;  Pep  Club  1,2,3;  Junior  Red  Cross  1,2;
                                                            JEWELL  MORGAN
        F.N.A.  1,2;  Homeroom  Vice-President  1;  Homeroom  Secretory   Pep  Club  1;  library  Club  1 ,2;  Student  Council  2;  Transferred
        2,3;  lntromurols  3;  Girl  Scouts  2,3,4;  Chaplain  4;  Feature
                                                             from  live  Ook  3;  D.C.T.  4;  Annual  Staff  Homeroom  Representa-
        Editor  Annual  Stoff 4.                             tive  4.
      CAROL  ANN  LESLIE                                    NOIDRE  MOSES
        Vice  President  Homeroom  1;  Girl  Scouts  1,  Vice-President  1;   "B"  Team  Football  2;  " A"  Team  Football  3,4;  Baseball  2,3,4;
        Cotillion  Club  2,3;  Beta  Club  3,4;  library  Club  4;  Annual
                                                             " B"  Team  Basketball  2;  Closs  President  1;  Homeroom  President
        Stoff 4;  Future  Nurses Association  4; Senior  Bond  1 ,2,3,4.
                                                             1;  C" Club 2;  Girl  Scout Mascot 4;  Band  l.
      JOE  LESLIE                                           JIM  NEWBEGIN
        " B"  Team  Football  1;  Bond  1,2,3;  Boy  Scouts  1,2,3.
                                                           MERRILL  LYNN  PAGE
      BARBARA  LEWIS                                                      " Most  likely  to Succeed"
        F.H.A.  1;  Junior  Red  Cross  1,2,4;  Library  Club 4.
                                                             F.H.A.  1;  Junior  Red  Cross  1,2;  Girl  Sc0<1ts  1,4;  Pepsi-Colo
      NATALIE  LIBHART                                       Merit  Award  1;  Pep  Club  2;  Homeroom  Secretory  2;  Tiger
        Girl  Scouts  1,2,3;  President  1,3;  Beta  Club  2,3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y 3.   Staff  2;  Beta  Club  3,4,  Reporter  3;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4,  Vice-President  4;
      CAROLYN  LINDSEY                                       Junior  Class  Vice-President  3;  Notional  Honor  Society  3,4;  Hi-Y
        Junior  Red  Cross  1 ,2,3.                          Mascot  4;  Homecoming  Queen  4;  DAR   Good  Citizenship
                                                             Award  4;  Annual  Staff  4,  Copy  Editor;  Senior  Class  Secretary  4;
        Football  1 ,2,3,4;  Cotillion  Club  2,3;  Track  2,3,4;  "C" Club  2.   library  Club  4;  Interdenominational  Youth  Council  President  3.4.
                                                           PEGGY  PAGE
        G.A.A.  1,2,3;  Spanish  Club  2;  Foreign  language  Club  3;  Treas-  F.H.A.  1;  Girl  Scouts  1;  Chess  Club  2,  Treasurer  2;  Beta  Club
                                                             2,3,4;  Future  Nurses  Association  3,  Vice-President  3;  National
        urer  3;  Glee  Club  4;  library  Club  4;  Usherettes  Club  1;  Cotil-
        lion  Club 4; Transferred  from  Bellflower,  California.   Honor  Society  3,4;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  4;  Band  1 ,2,3,4.
                                                           CHUCK  PARKS
        Glee  Club  1;  Pep  Club  1;  Tiger  Stoff  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3;  Junior  Red   Transferred  from   Ribault  Sr.  High  School,  Jacksonville  4;
        Cross  1,2,3,4;  F.H.A.  1,2,3;  Office  Assistant  3;  Homeroom  Secre-  Boy  Scouts  1;  latin  Club  2,3;  Junior  Classical  league  2,3;
                                                             Junior  Deputy  Sheriff's  league  2,3,4,  Sergeant  4;  Sr.  Band
        trory  4;  Girl  Scouts  1,2,3,4;  Secretory  and  Treasurer  4;  Student
                                                             1,2,3,4,  Band  Captain  3.
        Council  1 ,2,3,4;  Annual  Stoff  4;  Director  of  Annual  Ploy  4;  Co-
        tillion  Club  1,2,3,4.                            ERNEST  PEACOCK
                                                             F.F.A. 2,3,4;  Basketball  2,4;  Baseball  4; Annual  Staff  4.
                       "Most  Courteous  11                IRIS  PENNINGTON
        Bond  1 ,2,3,4;  Majorette  2,3,4;  Superior  Twirling  Duet  2;  Twirl-  F.H.A.  1 ,3;  Transferred  from  Palatka,  Flo.  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3;  Office
        ing  Solo  3;  Bond  librarian  4;  Student  Council  1,2;  Treasurer  1;   Assistant  4;  Beta  Club  4,  Treasurer  4.
        Secretory  2;  Pepsi-Colo  Merit  Award  1;  4-H  1;  President  1;
                                                           MARY  EllEN  PICKENS
        Tobacco  Queen  Contestant  3;  Junior  Degree  1;  Honor  Roll  1;   " Best  Looking  11
        Cotillion  Club  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3;  lake  City  Interdenominational  Youth
                                                             Band  1,2,3,4;  Majorette  1,2,3,4;  Calendar  Gorl  3;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;
        Secretory  3,4;  Junior  Red  Cross  1 ,2,4;  Annual  Stoff  4;  Girl
                                                             Annual  Staff  4;  Senior  Editor  4;  Junior  Red  Cross  1,2,3,4;  Cotil-
        Scouts  4.
                                                             lion  Club  3,4;  Served  at  Jr.-Sr.  Prom  2;  Usher  at  Graduation  3;
      CAROL MARTIN                                          Girl  Scouts  1,2,3,4;  F.T.A.  1,4;  President  4;  F.N.A.  3;  F.H.A.  1;
        Beta  Club  1 ,2,3,4;  Vice-President  2;  President  3;  Sec;·Atory  4·   Pep  Club  2,3;  Basketball  Manager  3,4;  lake  City's  Junior  Miss.
        F.H.A.  1 ,2,3,4;  Treasurer  3;  Tri-Hi-Y  2,3;  Vice-President  3·
                                                           THOMAS  PRUITT
        Closs  President  2;  Dramatics  3;  Transferred  from  Georgia  4;   F.F.A.  l.
        Glee Club 4.
                                                           BOBBY  PUESCHEl
                                                            Band  1,2,3;  " B"  Football  1;   B"  Basketball  1;  Track  1;  Pep
        F.F.A.  1 ,2,3;  4-H  1 ,2,3;  Beta  Club  1 ,2,3,4;  Transferred  from  Ft.
                                                            Club  2,3;  Glee  Club 3;  Boy  Scouts  1 ,2,3,4.
        White  4;  Notional  Honor  Society  4;  President  4;  Student  Council
        2;  D.C.T. 4.                                      JOE  REDA
      GASTON  McCAll                                        Glee Club 4;  Secretory  4;  F.T.A.  1,2;  4-H  l.
        F.F.A.  3,4.                                       BARBARA  REGISTER
      DENE  McCLENDON                                       Cheerleader  2;  F.H.A.  1 ,2;  Parliamentarian   drnesetier  .3sol1 Ps
                       "Most  Intellectual"                 Cheerleader  2;  F.H.A.  1 ,2;  Parliamentarian  1;  Class  President
        F.H.A.  1;  Girl  Scouts  1;  Beta  Club  2,3,4;  Chess  Club  2;  Cotillion   1,2;  Transferred  from  White  Springs  3;  Notional  Honor  Society
        Club 2;  D.C.T. 4;  Notional  Honor Society 3,4.    3,4;  D.C.T. 4,  Secretory 4.
      SANDRA  Mel NTOSH                                    ANITA  RHODEN
      ANNE McKINZIE                                                           Most  Bashful"
        F.H.A.  1,2,3,4;  F.T.A.  2,3,4;  Pep  Club  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3,4;  Cotillion   F.H.A.  1,3;  Band  1,2;  Girl  Scouts  1,3,4;  Pepsi-Cola  Merit  Award
        Club  2,3,4;  Tiger  Stoff  1 ,2;  Assistant  Editor  2;  library  Club  2;   1;  F.N.A.  2;  Tri-Hi-Y  3;  Annual  Stoff  4;  Treasurer  and  Business
        Girl  Scouts  1 ,3; Chess Club  2;  Glee Club  4.   Manager 4;  Beta  Club 4.
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