Page 12 - chs-1962
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MR. S. W. RAYBURN is in his 3rd year at CHS ... 27th year teach-
ing . .. graduated from Troy State and Auburn ... received B.S.
& M.S . . .. likes all good food and music ... interested in sports,
fishing, working with youth, Community Concert Association ... would
like to attend World's Fair, Seattle, Washington.
Mr. S. W. Rayburn
MRS. BETTY ALLISON graduated from Erskine, Cum MRS. FRANCIS BLA Y teaches English Ill .. . attended
Laude . . . has taught English at CHS 7 years ... likes Georgia State College for women . . . pet peeve- her
bridge and piano music .. . sponsors the FT A. senior homeroom . . . is senior sponsor . . . likes gar-
MRS. VEDA ATTAWAY teaches algebra, geometry, and
trig .. . likes to read, work with flowers . . . traveled MR. WINTON CRISWELL is our head coach .. . grad-
in 40 states, Mexico, Canada ... played basketball in uated from Columbia High and North Texas State . ..
high school. likes all kinds of sports .. . wants to go to Paris.
MRS. ANNA BELLE BAKER graduated from Peabody MR. LENVIL DICKS has been band director of CHS for
Conservatory of Music ... her first year at CHS 6 years . . . likes farming and growing pine trees . ..
dislikes people who talk in shows . . . sponsors and plays a wild trumpet .. . would like full time forestry.
teaches glee club.
MR. GEORGE S. DOSTER is graduate of U of Fla . . .
MRS. MARY BALDWIN went to the U of Ala., received first year at CHS ... traveled in Spain, Italy .. .
her A.B . . . . teaches English I . . . likes cats and fancy teaches science . . . enjoys painting.
earrings .. . dislikes cold weather.
MR. JOE FIELDS is basketball head coach . .. interested
MR. BUDDY BEDENBAUGH teaches history and PAD . .. in continuing good teams ... graduated from East
graduated from U of Fla . ... almost became pro stu- Tennessee State and George Peabody College.
dent .. . dislikes spinach ... likes to sing in the
Allison Attaway Baker Baldwin Bedenbaugh
Blay Criswell Dicks Doster Fields Another day begins.