Page 101 - chs-1963
P. 101


             LEFT  TO  RIGHT:  Martha  Jane  Shephard,  Cheryl
                                            orth,  Meriba  "B"  Team  Cheerleaders
             Epperson,  Cathy  Tillotson,  Brenda

                    :\1eriba Ogden, Br('nda '-.orth,  Cathy  Tillotson,  Captain, Cheryl Epperson,  Martha  Jane Shephard.
       STAl\'DI:\'G,  LEFT  TO  RIGHT:  Peggy  Brown,  Dottie   Cheryl  Epperson,  :\lartha  Jane  Shephard,  Cf)thy  Tillotson,
       Del  '\ull.  Sharon  Busby.  Judy  Kelly,  Dian<'  Bishop,  Judy   :\!eriba Ogden, Brenda l\orth.
       Tison,  Delores  I'\ettles.  K'\EELI'\C,  LEFT  TO  RIGHT:
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106