Page 134 - chs-1963
P. 134

McDuffie  Sporting  Goods
               Brown-Vann  Paint  Store
                                                                           503  N.  Marion  St.
                 HARDWARE- WAllPAPER- FLOOR  TilE
                                                                           lake  City,  Florida

                          14  E.  Orange  St.                               Phone  752-2500
                                                                     " Everything  for  the  Sportsman"
                          lake  City,  Florida


                       TO  THE  ClASS  OF  '63                       Brown  Realty  and

                                                                          Abstract  Co.
                         The  State                                        ESTABliSHED  1901

                    Exchange  Bank
                                                                             218  N.  Marion

                       300  North  Marion  St.
                                                                           lake  City,  Florida
                         lake  City,  Florida

                                                                            Compliments  of
                         FIKE  OIL  CO.                                  PHILLIP  PICKENS
                                                                      REAl  EST ATE  AND  INSURANCE
                      "Your  Phillip  66  Jobber"                           Phone  752-5780

                                                                            Compliments  of
                       CHILDREN'S  SHOP
                          PHONE  752-3588                                  ROY  WARD'S
                        382  N.  Marion  Street                    Your  Westinghouse  Appliance  Dealer
                          lake  City,  Florida
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