Page 67 - chs-1964
P. 67
OFFICERS: President, David Shackelford; Vice-President, Freda Vinning; Secretary, Tom Hickey; Treas-
urer, Steve Chamberlin; Historian, Betsy Butler.
Mr. Barrett
Mr. Bridges
~tis Calvert
Mr. Carroll
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'-,ptrit u( ( /h Mr. Fresneda
\1r. Grissom
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Of 1 uunc I am u Frt''hmun.' ~1rs. Hollingsworth
f'lll .. /Jar!. Ruom .. ? Mr. eeley "Camera Shy'
11/w(., that') Mrs. Painter
lcp u.,itfc. plea\t'
I am purl uf the "pint lou.