Page 102 - chs-1966
P. 102
Editor-in-Chief-Jane Ward; As-
sociate Editor-Dian Young; Ad-
vertisements-Judy Edwards; Cir-
culation Editor-~fartha Doub r-
ley; Copy Editor-Linda Hanna;
FaC'ulty Editor-Tschama Harts-
field; Features and Organization
Editor-~fimi :\fcDuffie; Layout
Editor - Billy Carroll; Photogra-
pher Editor-Linda Jones; enior
Editor-Carolyn Hanson; Senior
Directory - Paula Parnell and
Paulette obles; Underclassmen
Editor - Marilyn Willis; Sports
Editor-Jean Edwards.
Sponsor-Mrs. Lawrence
Who said editing an annual is a picnic?!
FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Lei r Bedenbaugh, Becky Dougt s, Linda
Boscarino, B •tsy Butler, usan hackelford, Rafalar , ma Cason,
Nancy Carrell, Beverly Hill, Marty Brannon. SECO D ROW: Dale Roberts,
Rebecca Briggs, Linda Moore, Kathy Mbore, Becky Etheridge, Meredith Sweat,
Sparkle Kapes, Marilyn Le lie. THIRD ROW: Iiffv Lipscomb, Elizabeth DuBose,
Sherry Huff, ancy Dixon, Joann Crews, Suzanne Phillips, Nancy Stevens, Frances
Lee, Laura Rentz.