Page 130 - chs-1966
P. 130
The 1965 C.H.S. Homecoming was one of the most
successful and one of the busiest ever! There was fierce
competition between the classes for the third annual
Homecoming Trophy, which the class of '66 won for the
third time. The activity at school and after was hectic.
There were posters, floats, Whisper day, Field day, bul-
letin boards, Purple and Gold day, displays, skits, the
bonfire, the crowning of the Queen, the mum sales, the
parade, and most important of all, the game. This Home-
coming at C.H.S. was one we shall never forget!
Injured player, Larry Freeman, accepts Bishop
Kenny game ball during pep rally.
Yes, Everyone was up in the air about Homecoming!
].V. Cheerleaders present skit for Homecoming.