Page 56 - chs-1967
P. 56

FI RST  ROW,  LEFT  TO  RIGHT:  Tracy  Brown,  Patsy  Norris,  Nancy   Peggy  Chasteen,  Nino  Peterson,  Mike  DuBose,  Ann  Tison.  FIFTH
           Spivey,  Jeanette  Witt,  Cathy  DeVane,  Elaine  Rhoden.  SECOND   ROW:  Betty  Jane  Terry,  Russel  Adkins,  Bert  King,  Richerd  Ring,
           ROW:  Debra  Stevenson,  Scotty  McCaleb,  Dole  Boatwright,  Chris   Haywood  Brawn,  Buster  McKissok,  Robert  Strickland,  Paul  loyd,
           Kessenich,  Ron  Norman,  Paul  Urban.  THIRD  ROW:  Stephen  Keen,   Bill  Worth,  Bobby  Brown,  Philip  Moses,  Sparks  Giebeig.  SIXTH
           Colvin  Jolks,  linda  Moses,  Debra  Hunter,  Wayne  Galloway,  Mar-  ROW:  Judy  Hunter,  Roberto  Johnson,  Cindy  Corter,  louisa  Under-
           garet  Amsden,  Mary  Beth  Squillace,  Diooe  Reed,  She·yl  Fe  guson,   wood,  Susan  Robinson,  lorry  Hoffman,  And re  Tunsil,  Merill  Tunsil,
           Debra  Persons,  John  Jones.  FOURTH  ROW:  Meredith  Levings,   Donny  Morrell,  Dole  Witt,  lorry  Morrell,  Debra  Pearce,  lynn
           Sissy  Baughn,  Goines  McFadden,  Wynn  Hancock,  Guice  Galloway,   Hancock.

                                                 C.HS.  Band

                                                                                    Mr.  Cossels- Bond  Directo r.
           O FFICERS,  LEFT  TO  RIGHT:  Wynn  Hancock,  Business  Manager;  Dole  Witt,
           President;  Peggy  Chasteen,  Secretory-Treasurer;  Philip  Moses,  Vice-president.

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