Page 100 - chs-1969
P. 100
Club Shows Appreciation
Through Service
The Future Teac:hNs of America have been
acti' c in man) areas. B) en ing n•fre hments
at ,1 fac:ult) meeting and having an "apple for
teadwr .. da) , th i. c:lu h showed their appreciation
to the facult) of .II .. Guest speakt•rs pro\ ided
helpful hints and information for tho e going into
the teaching field. Tlw club's major project of Officers, front row, left to right: ~trs. Ola Means,
the )ear was aiding the ~1acclem1) Chapter in ponsor; Jan Killian, Treasurer; usan eely,
President; ~ancy Jones, Historian. Back row, left
fonning an F.T . . Club oftlwir own.
to right: Peggy \1anslicld, ecretary; Pat orbin,
\'icc-president; Claudia \Vheless, Chaplain.
Front row, left to right: Chris Caley, Kathy Boyette, Ruth Crocker, Karen Paulk, Teresa Green, Melinda
Stall, Ilene Garrett, Jennifer Boatwright, 1arcia Thompkins, econd row: Frankie ue Jones, Ellen
Halbrook, Della mith, Tere Etheridge, Pat Corbin, Pat Cayton, Glenys Philbey, Georgia Blay, Mrs.
Means, ponsor, Third row: Lenn Yeatts, Jeannie Hanna, lvonne Eubanks, Nancy Jone , Judy iarkham,
Jan Killian, Betsy Bond, Helen Carroll, usan Ceely, Fourth row: Ann elson, Bali nider, Linda
Redden, Peggy Mansfield, Patti tevens, Denise Butzer, Kathy De ane, Claudia Whele s, Fifth row:
Recie Kennon, Bonnie Hunter, Laura Kennon, Yvonda Yeatts, .Marolyn Keaton, usan Tannenbaum,
Jann tewart, Anne Cannon