Page 146 - chs-1969
P. 146

Varsity  Basketball

                                                             This )Car's basketball team worked with untiring
                                                           effort  through thick and thin.  ]though there wen•
                                                          some  dis,tppointments,  the  challenge  of the  game
                                                           proved  to  be  the  n•ward.  Their  enthusia  m  and
                                                           spirit never faltered.

         Coach Earl II ill

         Kneeling,  lefi  to  right:  Frank  McElhaney,  Dekoven  Levy,  Marc  Holland,  Harold  Hall,  Bobby  Houston.   tanding:
         Ronald  Bryant,  tanager;  teve  Dortch,  tephen  Keen,  Pat  Hartley,  Gerald  Pamell,  Pete  Giebeig,  Brook  Etheridge,
         Alan Moody, Patrick Hunter, Coach Earl Hill.

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