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                   An  annual  is  only  as  good  as  its  editors  ... Perhaps  this  explains  why  we  think  ours
                 is  the  greatest.  As  editor,  I  have  seen  the  energy,  time,  and  effort  spent  on  this  book,
                 and I must express my gratitude and appreciation to the people responsible.
                   At  the  top  of the  list  in  everyone's  opinion  is  Mrs.  Anne  D ·kle,  without  whom  none
                 of u  would  have  made  it  to  publication.   ot  onl~  was  "  1ama  D  k ,"  willing  to  work
                 \VITII  us,  but  she  was  also  willing  and  able  to  \VORK  us;  her  wit  has  sustained  our
                 "cool" on many occasions. I personally could never say "Thank you" enough.
                   Another  big  "Thank  you"  goes  to  usan  C  el~  and  Claudia,  the  be t  copy  editors  I
                 know.  At  this  time  let  it  be  publicly  known  that  these  two  are  responsible  for  99%  of
                 the  words  in  this  book.  Every  "a",  "an",  and  "the" was  carefully  considered  before  being
                 given  the  "OK"  by  these  hard-working  editors.  Susan  and  "  'lod",  thanks  a  big  bunch
                 for all your work- I promise you 111  never ask you to write anything again!
                    1ore  "Thank you's"  go  to  Susan  Cone,  who  managed  the  busin  ss  a  pect of the  annual
                  ntirely  on  her  own.  But  even  more  important,  Susan,  thank  you  for  being  willing  to
                 pitch in and work wherever you were needed. To  andra  ampb •II,  who worked a straight
                 24 hours on her  ction with only one hour's  rest, go'S a "Thanks" and a "!-don't-know-how-
                 you-did-it."  Other  thanks  go  to  George,  who  was  alwa  s  o  willing  to  "get  outa'  fifth",
                 and  to  Anne  and  Pat  who  did  their   ction  without  pushing  or  prompting.  Thank  you,
                 Recie,  for  keeping  up  with  all  those  club  pictures  and  identifYing  all  tho  e  smiling  face  ,
                 and you,  Ellen,  for  doing  your   ction  so  well  .  .  .  !so  you,  1artha,  for  taking so  much
                 responsibility  and  eeing  to  it  that  things  were  don  .  Fa  e,  thank  you  for  doing  your
                 section  over  FO  R  tim  s,  and  Helen  and  Eddie,  thanks  for  going  to  so  much  trouble
                 to  improve  th  ads  ection.  It  was  a  lot  of work,  but  I  know  it's  worth  it  all.  D  borah
                 and  Kathy  had  a  difficult  section,  too,  because  theirs  made  up  the  first  deadlin  ,  the
                 one  we  mi  sed  by  about  two  weeks.  Rememl  r?  Oh,  well,  the  first  is  always  the  hard  st.   ~
                 Thanks  for  your  time.  Jim  and  Richard,  thank  you  for  all  the  effort  you  put  forth  wh  n   l
       --===     we hollered for a pictur  that was ne  ded yesterday. Thanks so much.
                   Another per on  I  d  finitely  want to  '  pr  ss  my  appreciation  to  i  our "rain-maker" pho-
              - tographer  from  Ohm-Mills,  Mr.  Robe1ts.  Very  few  people  realize  how  many  tim   you
                 came  to  the  rescue  when  we  needed  a  good  picture  so  badly.   II  I  can  ay  is  a  great
                 big "Thank you" for a wonderful job, and I hope you have better weather next year.
                   The  administration  of  CH  has  been  inconvenienced  several  tim   this  year  be  ause
                 of the  annual.  I  do  hope  that  we  hav<'  produced  a  book  that  will  make  those  unpleasant
                 times seem worthwhile.
                   To all of you, very gratefully, "TH   K  !"

                                                     Martha Jo  Deas

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