Page 230 - chs-1971
P. 230

Mike Koon                         Connie Lester                     Student  Council  2,  3,  4,  Sec-
                                             F.H.A.  2 ;  Prop  Committee ,    retary  4;  Math  Club  2;  Na-
           Prudence Lanham                   Drama Club  Play  2;  American    tional  Honor  Society  3,  4;
           Cheerleader 2, 3; Pep  Club  2,   Field  Service  3;  Tri-Hi-Y  3, 4;   Chorus  3;  Paramedical  Club
           3;  Chorus  2,  3;  Basketball  3;   D.C.T.  Corresponding  Secre-  4;  Beta  Club  4;  Powder  Puff
           Softball  3;  Transfer  to  CHS   tary 4.                           Football  Game 4;  Annual  Staff
           Junior Year.                                                        4;  Tiger  Staff  4;  Drama  Club
                                             DeKoven Levy                      4;  Readers  Guild  4;  Senior
           Ward Law                          Basketball  2,  3,  4;  Football  2,   Favorite.
           Football 2,  3, 4;  F.F.A. 2, 3.   3, 4; Senior Favorite.
                                                                               DaVida Danyce Lofton
           Weggie Lawrence                   Elvira Lewis                      Student  Council  2,  3,  4,  Vice-
           Football 2; D.E. 3.               R.H.S.  Chorus  2,  3;  R.H .S.   president 4; F.H.A. 2,  3;  F.H.A.
                                             F.H .A.  2;  R.H.S. Student Coun-  State Vice-president of Public
           Byron Lawton                      cil  3;  R.H.S.  Journalism  Club   Relations  3;  National  Honor
           Football 2, 3, 4.                 3;  Miss RHS  3.                  Society  2,  3,  4;  Math  Club  2;
                                                                               Band  2;  Miss  Homecoming
           Andrew Fish Lee                   Roger Little                      R.H.S.  3; Chorus 3;  Beta Club
                                             Football  2,  3,  4;  F.F.A.  2,  3,   4;  Powder  Puff  Football  4;
           Cheryl Lee                        Secretary 3;  Baseball  4; Track   Annual  Staff  4;  Tiger  Staff  4;
           Cheerleader for lntramurals 2;    4.                                National  Achievement  Schol-
           Student  Council  2,  3,  4;  State                                 arship  Semi-finalist  4;  Senior
           Student Council Convention 2;     Arleen Lofton                     Favorite.
           Floor  Show  at  Prom  2;  Ser-   F.H.A.  2,  3,  4;  Miss  R.H.S.  2;
           geant-at-Arms, Tri-Hi-Y 2;  Girl
           Scouts  2;  Tiger  Staff  3,  4;
           Powder Puff Football  Game 3;
           American  Field  Service  3,  4,
           Vice-president  4;  Epsilon  Phi
           Sorority  3,  4,  Secretary  4;
           Annual  Staff 4;  Prom  Commit-
           tee  3; Key  Club  Calendar Girl

           Larry Lee
           Varsity  Football  2,  3,  4;  F.F.A.
           2, 3.

           Teresa Leewright
           F.H.A.  2,  3;  F.T.A.  2;  Drama
           Club  Play  3;  Beta Club 4;  Tri-
           Hi-Y 4.

           Beverly Leguire
           Paramedical  Club  2, 3;  D.C.T.
           Club 4.

           Mike Lepper
           Art Club 3; Library Club 3.

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