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P. 182

Distributive Education

                                 Project  D.E.  i  dedicated  to  teaching  stu-
                                 dents  "to  earn  while  they  learn."  Under
                                 the  direction  of  Mr.  Eddie  long  and  Mr.
                                 W.T.  lawton,  tudents  participate  in  acti-
                                 vities  de  igned  to  prepare  them  for  suc-
                                 ce  sful  entry into  a  busines  career.  Mem-
                                 bers  of  the  D.E.  classes  are:  Cindy  Albrit-
                                 ton,  Mary  Anderson,  larry  Barker,  Marie
                                 Bricker,  Barbara  Ballard,  Sherrill  Cason,
                                 Becky  Chambliss,  Jennifer  Cowan,  Danny
                                 Crawford,  Claire  Davis,  Gloria  Durrance,
                                 leslie  DuBose,  James  Evan  ,  DWayne  Gra-
                                 ham, Virginia  Greene, Johnny  Hilton,  Wally
                                 Johns,  Wayne  Parri  h,  Rockie  Pitt  ,  David
                                 Powell,  Jerry  Redden,  Steve  Regi  ter,  Den-
                                 ni  Richards,  Mike  Satterfield,  Kay  Saun-
                                 ders,  Betty  Stalvey,  linda  Weant,  Nancy
                                 Waynne,   Barbara   Fleming,   Christine
                                 Adams,  Glenda  Brown,  Ray  Bowes,  Emma
                                 Jean  Burnette,  Mary  Helen  Durrance,  Pat
                                 Evans,  Michell  Felton,  Carol  Glynn,  Phyllis
                                 Hicks,  Addie  Jones,  David  Kelley,  Silvonia
                                 lynch,  Debra  Morton,  Vera  Poole,  Alfreda
                                 Sharpe,  Alleon  Weston  Patrica  Wood  ,  Pat
                                 Johnson,  Diane  Niblack,  lynn  Foote,  Jo
                                 Ann  Barber,  Angela  Boyette,  Pam  Bondi,
                                 Elmira  Cray,  Rosebud  Jackson,  Denni  Ry-
                                 kard,  Debbie  Stalnaker,  Betty  Tilman,
                                 Donna  Gobble,  Patrida  Jackson,  Bruce

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