Page 252 - chs-1972
P. 252
A chool day draw to a close, we wi h to add our
ongratulation to tho e of your r lativ and fri nd .
We would also remind you that life itself is a chool in
which w are preparing our elves for broad r opportu-
nltl b yond u . To u all, as w II a to I r al, od say
in Amo 4: 12, " Prepare to meet thy God."
In your high school days you have prepar d for col-
leg , or to me t the challenge of life. Have you fac d
the challenge of meeting God in eternity? The only pre-
paration which i sufficient is that of faith in hri t a
per onal savior.
God' word makes plain the need for uch prepara-
tion, .. For all have sinned and come hort of th glory of
God"-Rom. 3:23, and .. The wages of sin i death
. . . "-Rom. 6:23a The Bible also indicates that th
n d ha b n provided for, a w e that, ··God com-
mendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet
inner Christ died for us"-Rom. 5:8. Th re remain
then only th imple act of accepting the gift of God'
preparation for ··the gift of God is eternal life through
je u Christ our Lord"-Rom. 6:23b. The promi e of
God i giv n that .. Whosoever shall call upon th nam
of the Lord shall be saved " Rom. 10: 13. Have you pre-
pared for eternity as you have prepared for lif ? If not
will you accept Gods provi ion today?
If you would like further counseling from God' word,
f el free to call on u at the Montro e Avenue Bapti t
Church, 121 South Montrose Avenue, or phone u at
752-2880 in Lake City.