Page 157 - chs-1973
P. 157
Cruise Amsden Tom Anderson Nancy Antley Chuck Baker
Kathy Baker Marva Baker Roland Bales Wilbur Barker -
From the time the class of '73 entered Columbia High
School as uncertain Sophomores, they began a never-to-
be-forgotten journey. This adventure broadened the
scope of each student as he became an individual. This
was our year, the year of all years, the school of all
schools, the class of all classes. Seniors, we were the big
guys trying to grow but clinging to being young. Always
working together, making the best of what we had. Still
we loved, conquered, and succeeded. Reaching out for a
little time to love, to know, to feel. Only we could realize
how fast time flew and that no one could slow it down.
Soon to reach the end of being inside looking out, ap-
proaching the outside, only to be looking in, confident of
the present, yet, skeptical of the future .. We have instilled
Velma Batten Laura Beasly
in our school a fine example of spirited pride and earnest
effort. We, the Seniors of '73, have achieved much, but
most important was. what CHS has taught us about our-
selves and our future. Yet we have left a part of ourselves
to CHS. Columbia High meant friends, long talks, and
happiness tinged with disappointments, pride and spirit
not only for our school but for ourselves as well. Being
and becoming the individual, knowing it is never to be
the same again .. .. Taking time to know, to love, to
laugh, to cry, time for the last look, the last chance to
really be a part of CHS.
Greg Bedenbaugh Gracelle Bell
Seniors 153