Page 189 - chs-1973
P. 189

Ain't it good to  know you've got a  friend.

                                                     SENIORS NOT PICTURED

                        Ella Adams                       Nevin  Graham                   Rosemary Parrott
                        Hilda Anderson                   James  Grant                    Mary Pierce
                        Garry Baker                      Avon Hambrick                   Alfonso  Pope
                        Tommy Boston                     Angus Harris                    Andrew Powell
                        Carl Brewer                      Richard Hartman                 David Powell
                        Alphonso Bridges                 Denise Hemsley                  Henry Price
                        Steve Brown                      Gloria  Holmes                  Samuel Reed
                        Steve Burgess                    John Holman                     Louis Rivers
                        Leo Butts                        Jerry Hutcherson                Marsha Roberson
                        Jerome  Carter                   Eugene Johnson                  Michael Roberts
                        Kenneth  Cason                   Addie Jones                     Jereline Rossin
                        Alice  Cook                      Ernestine Jones                 Larry Shaw
                        Leverne Cook                     Randolph Jones                  Sandra Stallings
                        Steve Dennard                    Harlene Kent                    Mary Lee  Thomas
                        Larry Denson                     Michael Kight                   Randall Thomas
                        Herbert Douglas                  Bruce Lockley                   Bruce Thompson
                        Freddie Dunkins                  Steven Lumbert                  George Timmons
                        Ashley Ellis                     Nathaniel McCoy                 Marlow Weston
                        Ethel Foster                     Wayne McCray                    Emogene Williams
                        Freddie Fraizer                  Mela Merrick                    George Williams
                        Cornell Fulton                   Joey Mikell                     Sidney Williams
                        Lynn Gambles                     Leroy Morgan                    Willie Williamson
                        Phillip  George                  James Murphy                    Brenda Wintons
                        Glenda Gilbert                   Larry Norris                    Joe  Woodard

       Seniors assume rolls  of government officials  during Student Government Day.

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