Page 215 - chs-1973
P. 215
Two more years to grow and learn
Tina Reese
Cecilia Register
Gina Register
Kenneth Rentz
Inge Reyetts
Johnny Rhodes
Larry Rice
Andrew Robarts
Gloria Robinson
Gail Rogers
Eugene Rondeau
Herman Rothwell
Teresa Rucinski
Joey Russo
Lucia Russo
Betty Sanders
Jenny Saunders
Cindy Schoch
Gene Schreiber
Danny Scippio
Ray Scott
Johnny Sellers
Roosevelt Shaw
Dwayne Shellnut
Kenneth Shepherd
Alexander Sheppard
Brendolyn Sheppard
Leroy Sherrod
Ernest Simmons
Glenn Sims
Joyce Skinner
Mary Ann Skinner
Ames Smith
Calvin Smith.
George Smith
Lynn Smith
Sophomores 211