Page 248 - chs-1973
P. 248
Back Row, L. to R.-Linda Lambert, Omega Lashley, Dawn Steele, Margeret Cozatt, April Smith, Susan Whitesell, Mrs. Beazley. Front Row,
L. to R.-Linda Kimmick, Kay Hines, Gayle Parker, Teresa Simonetti, Melissa Hall.
Mixed Chorus . . . Sing in three,
four, and more part harmony. This
course offering is performance ori-
ented with required performance at-
tendance . . . Beginning Chorus . . .
A class designed to teach phrasing,
breathing and diction necessary to
later enter the advanced performing
organization ... Girl's Chorus ...
Girls two, three, or four part har-
mony. Performance attendance re-
quired . .. Ensemble ... A perfor-
mance orientated group whi'ch
First Row, L. to R.-Judith A. White, Clayton Johnson, Jay Fraser, Robert Bricher, Mitchell Lee, Mr.
required a well rounded knowledge Errol Thompson, Dwight McRae, Voncile Allen. Second Row-James McKenzie, Judith Pierce, Gail
of all aspects of musical perfor- Burgess, Terry Hall, Pam Mize, Vicki Merton, Debbie Stafford, Teresa Lee, Annette Martin, Gloria
Wright, Naacomia Taylor. Third Row-Janie Reed, Tonia Wright, Francena Edwards, Mattie Mob-
mance. Performance attendance is ley Bryant, Delores Hughes, Cecilia Register, Patricia Pate, Larry McCallum, Joan Williams, Gloria
required ... Robinson, Doris Elaine Williams- President.
First Row-Gwen Siewert, Avon Hambrick, Linda Foote, Linda Lambert, Linda Thomas, Emma Williams. Second Row-Sarah Parker,
Debbie Saroka, Tina Stalvey, Nettie White, Mary Brown, Brenda Thames, Erma Williams, Mrs. Beazley. Third Row-Marva Ejaker, Nata-
lyn Robinson, Beverly Waters, Jan Davis, Linda Dennard, Shirlene Bussy, Alma Dix, Mildred Ford.