Page 112 - chs-1974
P. 112

Seniors  Shine  Through Homecoming  '73

         Homecoming 73-74 was highlighted by
          the  united  school  spirit  in  all  classes.
          The  theme  for  Homecoming  "Wolves
          Howl  When  Tigers  Prowl"  was  sub-
          mitted  by the Seniors. A  car smash by
         Art Club began Homecoming week. On
          Tuesday,  posters  livened  up  CHS  as
          the students displayed their Tiger sup-
          port  on  signs.  The  Sophomore  class
          took first place; Seniors second and Ju-
          niors  third.  Wild  hats  and  quiet  halls
          were some of the effects Hat and Whis-
          per Day had on CHS. The Sophomores
          won  Hat  Day with  the  Juniors  second
          and  Seniors  third.  Seniors  showed
          their  strong  efforts  in  winning  overall
          in field  day. A  close race of talent was
          shown at the  Skits on Thursday night.
          Juniors won first;  Sophomores second,
          and  Seniors  third.  School  colors  were
          shown  on  Purple  and  Gold  day  with
          Juniors  winning  first,  Seniors  second,
          and  Sophomores  third.  Artistic  abili-
          ties were expressed on the class floats.
          Seniors  placed  first,  Juniors  second,
          and  Sophomores  third.  The  1973
          Homecoming was won by the Seniors.
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