Page 112 - chs-1974
P. 112
Seniors Shine Through Homecoming '73
Homecoming 73-74 was highlighted by
the united school spirit in all classes.
The theme for Homecoming "Wolves
Howl When Tigers Prowl" was sub-
mitted by the Seniors. A car smash by
Art Club began Homecoming week. On
Tuesday, posters livened up CHS as
the students displayed their Tiger sup-
port on signs. The Sophomore class
took first place; Seniors second and Ju-
niors third. Wild hats and quiet halls
were some of the effects Hat and Whis-
per Day had on CHS. The Sophomores
won Hat Day with the Juniors second
and Seniors third. Seniors showed
their strong efforts in winning overall
in field day. A close race of talent was
shown at the Skits on Thursday night.
Juniors won first; Sophomores second,
and Seniors third. School colors were
shown on Purple and Gold day with
Juniors winning first, Seniors second,
and Sophomores third. Artistic abili-
ties were expressed on the class floats.
Seniors placed first, Juniors second,
and Sophomores third. The 1973
Homecoming was won by the Seniors.
108 Homecoming