Page 134 - chs-1974
P. 134
April Smith
Crowned Miss
C. H. S. '73-74
Silence filled the auditorium as the au-
dience anticipated the crowning of the
new 1973-74 Miss C. H. S. , April Smith.
Eight contestants entered the contest,
each talented in their own way, but April
with her song "You've got a Friend,"
showed the determination to win.
April, 17, is the daughter of Mr. Giles B.
Smith and the late, Mrs. Irene Smith.
W endie Kuhn, first runner-up preformed
a baton act to the tune of "Rock ala
Bech." Winola Ferguson, second runner-
up sang the song "Summer Time." This
year a special award was given for the
outstanding talent. Dawn Steele received
this award for her own arrangement on
the piano.
The five finalists were Melissa Hall, Wi-
nola Ferguson, April Smith, Wendie
Kuhn, Cindy Bowling.
Features 130