Page 156 - chs-1974
P. 156
Varsity Tigers In the Making
The Junior Varsity basketball team's
seasonal outcome appeared better
than the Varsity basketball season,
winning wise. Equipped with some
talented Sophomores this years Ju-
nior Varsity could make a fine var-
sity squad in the years to come.
The Baby Tigers opened the season
with three straight wins. Proving to
be too much for the Jacksonville
squads, the Junior Varsity team
went through a mid-season slump
and their season turned around
completely. This team was thought
by some to be one of the most prom-
ising Junior Varsity squads to come
along in quite a while. The Baby Ti-
gers, by their own standards, had a
somewhat disappointing season.
Unlike the Varsity Squad the Baby
Tigers do not have any tournaments
to look forward to. They motivate
themselves with pride and determi-
nation to win. Under their fine
coach Glynn Presely the Baby Ti-
gers succeded in pleasing their sup-
porters and playing to the best ·of
their ability.
152 J.V. Basketball
left to right: Marty Martinez, Bob Coxe,
Jimmy Thompson, and Benjie Reed. below:
Coach Glynn Presely.