Page 166 - chs-1974
P. 166

Sluggers Aim For  Exciting  Season

           Bottom Row I.  to  r.  Otis Bradley,  Glenwood King,  Marty Martinez, Larry Jackson, Johnnie Jones,  Bruce Ford, Leroy Sherrod, Mike Kalish.
           Middle Row I.  tor. James Thompson, Kent  Gardner,  Doug Lowrey,  Richard  Giebeig,  Billy Joe  Craig,  Chris  Hewett,  Ronnie Drake,  Lamar
           Williams,  Doug  Hook.  Top Row  I.  to  r.  Barry  Bunn,  Robin  Green,  Robert Wright,  Alexander Sheppard,  Donald Johns.

                                                 1974 Tiger Baseball  Roster

                                    Bruce  Ford-Sr                    Otis Bradley-Sr.

                                    Robert  Wright-Sr.                Johnnie  Janes-Sr.
                                    Richard  Giebieg-Jr.               Glenwood King-Jr.

                                    Leroy  Sherrod-Jr.                 Larry  Jackson-Jr.
                                    Alexander Sheppard-Jr.            Billy  Craig-J r.
                                    Chris  Hewett-Jr.                  Donald Johns-Soph.
                                    Doug  Lowrey-Soph.                 Mike  Kalish-Soph.

                                    Barry  Bunn-Soph.                  Robin  Green-Soph.
                                    Lamar Williams-Soph.               Mark  Brown-Soph.
                                    Ronnie  Drake-Soph.                Kent  Gardner-Soph.

                                    James Thompson- Soph.              Marty Martinez-Soph.
                                    Doug  Hook-Soph.

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