Page 203 - chs-1974
P. 203

Science Club  Broadens

                                                                   Knowledge  Through


                                                                   CHS  junior  scientists  explore
                                                                   the  unknown  in  an  effort  to
                                                                   learn  more  ·about  earth  and
                                                                   space  environment.  It  gives
                                                                   students interested in science a
                                                                   chance  to  further  their  abili-
                                                                   ties.  Sponsored  by  Mr.  Kahn
                                                                   and Mrs.  Phillips, the club has
                                                                   prepared  for  the  science  fair,
                                                                   sponsored  a  car  in  the  Home-
                                                                   coming Parade, and held meet-
                                                                   ings in Room 2 every club day.
                                                                   The  officers  are  Jerry  Jones,
                                                                   president;  Steve  Steele,  vice
                                                                    president;  Polly  Taylor,  secre-
                                                                    tary,  Paul  Lloyd  sergeant  at

          1st. Row-Beverly Waters, Bill Taylor, Sponsor, Mr.  Kahn. 2nd. Row-Steve Steele, Jerry Jones, Wayne Nutter. 3rd. Row-Paul Uoyd, Polly
          Taylor,  Bernard  Parker.

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