Page 212 - chs-1974
P. 212
Band Beats Out Superior Rhythm
1st. Row-Karen Thomas, Lou Carswell, Drum-Major; Kenny Hunter, Wendie Kuhn, Phyllis Alderman, Pennie Hudson. 2nd. Row-Sherrie
Sherrie Moss, Angela Goodbread, Teri Bedenbaugh, Sherry Douglas, Rhonda Carter, Kathy Cummings, Loretta Nodes, Barbara Williams,
Sherre Williams, Susan McKee, Susan Johnson. 3rd. Row-Brenda Turner, Carol Nicely, Terri Thomas, Pat Hammers, Ann Rodell, Jeanie
Frasier, Jayne Canaday, David Chaney. 4th. Row-Janice Pruitt, Jeannie Owens, Janice Bishop, David Scruggs, Wayne Nutter, Pam Cooley,
Vivian Cooper, Robert Rivers. 5th. Row-Sandra Oaks, John Jopling, Becky Davis, Robert Tyson, Patsy Butcher, Chip Brabson, Susan Ca-
pell, Beth Splichal, 6th. Row-Steven Steele, Susie Parker, Robert Dace, Eric Dukes, Dale Vasco, Perry Toodle, Brenda Larson, Christy
Knudsen, Mike Broshar. 7th. Row-Brett Leary, AI Bradley, Danny Ominiski, David Danielson, Mike Hanna, Dwight Forsythe, Guy Snead,
Jerry Russel, Jay Huddleson, Jimmy Steele. 8th. Row-Dana thon Lofton, Alton Lee, Ed Thompson. 9th. Row-Robert Mickelson, Jeff Parker,
Mark MH enry, Tony Howerton, Ronald Jones, Beverly Wood, Mamie Jones. 10th. Row-Anthony Anthony Brown, Keith Osteen, Larry
Russel, Doug Estes, Rod Carter. 11th. Row- Janice Pool, Terry Hutchinson , Darlene Robinson, Andy Brabson, Ben Givens, Rodney Brooks,
Matt Mathis, Jody Alderman, Anette Hall, Tim Aiken, Reba Williams.
The 1973-74 School year was surely
a great year for the CHS Band. They
received numerous invitations and
awards for their musical exploits.
Among them was a invitation to the
Annual Gator Growl where they
were able to show their talent along
side such great college bands as the
FAMU marching 100 and the Fight-
ing Gator Band.
After weeks of constant practice and
drilling the Fighting Tiger Band
journeyed down to Gainesville for
the North Florida Band Contest. Us-
ing precision marching and fine mu-
sic the band received a superior
Not all the band's time and energy is
used for such excursions as the Ga-
tor Growl and the Band contest.
They play at all the pep rallies and
football games. They also have had
many money making projects.