Page 277 - chs-1974
P. 277
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January 1975 is the projected com-
pletion date of the new 11th. and
12th. grade center for Columbia
County students. Hopefully, the
class of '75 will be the first to gradu-
ate from the newest and most mod-
ern school in the county. Intensive
planning on both the financial and
physical aspect of the new school
has involved many hours of re-
search and development. Vocational
education will be the keynote for
the new school. Academics will
have extensive labs and resource
facilities. Truly, this will be an asset
to present students and future
1/Floor plans show the many areas featured
under the open-concept design for the new
Columbia High School.
2/Dr. joseph Crescimbeni, Director of Secon-
dary Education and Or. Frank Phillips, Super-
intendent of Schools look over plans and
make adjustments on the design.
3/ Architects from Sandford, Florida meet
with faculty representatives to discuss modi-
fications of design.
4/The Saunders property was purchased by
the school board for the new school site.
New School Plans 273