Page 139 - chs-1975
P. 139
1 I Roosevelt Tulbert Jumps for rebound. 21 Ti- 61 Left to right: Felipe Luaces, Don Sullivan,
gers Ervin McCoy and Jimmy Briscoe take Joeley Williams, Jeff Richards, Alphonso
time out for thoughts of a winning season. 31 Adams, Arnise Rowe, Gaylan Jackson, Den-
Tiger sporster snatches ball and adds an ex- nis Brown, Raymond Felton, Robert Hall,
citing 2 points to the winning score. 41 In a Roosevelt Tulbert, Wallace Thomas, Billy
tense moment, Joeley Williams scrambles to Graham, Glenn Sheppard, Erwin McCoy,
retain position of the fast dribbling ball. 51 Jimmy B1-iscoe, Randy Williams, and Coach
Coach Danny Owens sends winning strategy Danny Owens.
in through Arnise Rowe.
J. V. Basketball 135